I have no problems but well good job ._ . Tell me if you have any cool champion exploit kekIm currently adding Mordekaiser and Yorik and will update asap to fix problems.

I have no problems but well good job ._ . Tell me if you have any cool champion exploit kekIm currently adding Mordekaiser and Yorik and will update asap to fix problems.
Loads for me. Whats your testscript?
Only nidalee script is working for CloudAIO. Did you test the riven?
Only nidalee script is working for CloudAIO. Did you test the riven?
I just played as Cass. Working 100% also i will release an update tommorw
I just played as Cass. Working 100% also i will release an update tommorw
Okay bro. I'll wait for your update! Keep it up! Nice work. Thanks in advance
Do you still plan on adding more features to these scripts?
I take in account ANY extra dmg being delt by minons and try to esitmate calc.
Releasing update pretty soon. (today 4 sure)
K will sorry for the problems just got back from school
Oh ok than . But if u play ziggs without item, and rune and mastery it have 0 bonus dmg right?
so it will count only
and R lvl 1 do 1*100=100 but ziggs ult do at last 200 (+75% ap) dmg
Im currently adding Mordekaiser and Yorik and will update asap to fix problems.
Nice i thought that i was the only one that still play Yorick
Gettin this while using Kalista laneclear (V)
Update inspired.
YOu can get it from his thread old master.zip
I think this is a IAC error
can not be true!
Inspired and Deftsu Cassio is working too. Please check why Cassio w q on ground (/death ppl)
i love your lasthit e so much <3
is it possible that the script calculate with "e-dmg" not "autoattack-dmg" ?
cause cassio last hit with e if the minion would died with an autoattack, but e deals double/tripple dmg
Do you still plan on adding more features to these scripts?
Yes 5.3
Oh ok than
. But if u play ziggs without item, and rune and mastery it have 0 bonus dmg right?
so it will count only
(GetCastLevel(myHero,_R)*100)and R lvl 1 do 1*100=100 but ziggs ult do at last 200 (+75% ap) dmg
i thought that i was the only one that still play Yorick
Yes but i have taken bonus dmg in account. Ofc i play yorik.
Gettin this while using Kalista laneclear (V)
Ill check it out.
can not be true!
Inspired and Deftsu Cassio is working too. Please check why Cassio w q on ground (/death ppl)
i love your lasthit e so much <3
is it possible that the script calculate with "e-dmg" not "autoattack-dmg" ?
cause cassio last hit with e if the minion would died with an autoattack, but e deals double/tripple dmg
Already being released with 5.3. With better QPred and when people die it wont attack them.
The cass is using spells on dead champs. Could you fix that?
Can you fix riven Q aa Q aa Q?
CloudAIO updated! *NEW* Classes update! No more lag! Cassiopeia will not attack dead people. Cleaner code. Now you can open the lua change ex ["Gnar"] = true to ["Gnar"] = false and use another script (I have not updated Nidalee or Kalista so no changing them to false)! *REMOVED* CloudAIO loaded message [Shift] only. *Update delay* The reason the updates are now delayed a bit are due to me having School sorry *Bugs Report* Please use the format in this thread
CloudAIO updated! *NEW* Classes update! No more lag! Cassiopeia will not attack dead people. Cleaner code. Now you can open the lua change ex ["Gnar"] = true to ["Gnar"] = false and use another script (I have not updated Nidalee or Kalista so no changing them to false)! *REMOVED* CloudAIO loaded message [Shift] only. *Update delay* The reason the updates are now delayed a bit are due to me having School sorry
*Bugs Report* Please use the format in this thread
i've been waiting for this cassiopeia fix
thankyou cloud
i've been waiting for this
cassiopeia fix
thankyou cloud
I have a question about Syndra , but it also work for other scripts, such as the ability to modify , eg change the " T - QE Stun " to " C- QE Stun " ?
I have a question about Syndra , but it also work for other scripts, such as the ability to modify , eg change the " T - QE Stun " to " C- QE Stun " ?
Yea it will work
Here the scripts are not working. Not the loader in the game and when I press "space" nothing happens.
What I put in testscript1.lua ? Put " CloudAIO " or " gg " ?
Here the scripts are not working. Not the loader in the game and when I press "space" nothing happens.
What I put in testscript1.lua ? Put " CloudAIO " or " gg " ?
Put CloudAIO require('CloudAIO') and as soon as you see the enemy (start of the game only) click f6 twice
Updated some code. look at lines 1-16
when i try on use E in your cassio i got this error http://postimg.org/image/3uhf1z005/
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