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Official ChampionTracker Script

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Well what happens if you turn off spell tracker for allies and enemies? Does the summoners stay?


no :( it seems qwer and summoner spells are binded to same feature, so you can't disable one over the other

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@feretorix I noticed that this and recall tracker, and ward tracker are some why causing crashes - I really like using these for the past 1 or 2 years and prefer the official one. Is it possible to look into why these started causing crashes? I don't ever see any error messages. I have tried running external only with recall, champ, ward trackers (Official Utility) 


If it helps- the crash usually happens 2-3 min into a game on summoners rift.

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@feretorix I noticed that this and recall tracker, and ward tracker are some why causing crashes - I really like using these for the past 1 or 2 years and prefer the official one. Is it possible to look into why these started causing crashes? I don't ever see any error messages. I have tried running external only with recall, champ, ward trackers (Official Utility) 


If it helps- the crash usually happens 2-3 min into a game on summoners rift.

The core and these codes are still same, the only thing that has changed is the game itself, they broke stuff slowly, somethings can't be really fixed sadly, you simply need to use the ones that does not crash and champion tracker does not crash by the way but like you said, recall and ward tracker are crashing you can also use this utility which is really stable to use(doesn't crash) http://gamingonstero...3bk-minimaphack

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The core and these codes are still same, the only thing that has changed is the game itself, they broke stuff slowly, somethings can't be really fixed sadly, you simply need to use the ones that does not crash and champion tracker does not crash by the way but like you said, recall and ward tracker are crashing you can also use this utility which is really stable to use(doesn't crash) http://gamingonstero...3bk-minimaphack

Thanks for the reply - it is good to know that this is a known issue tho. I was starting to think it was just me. I will try that script TY!

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It stopped tracking enemy summoner casts as of last patch. Still tracks ally summoner spells.

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It stopped tracking enemy summoner casts as of last patch. Still tracks ally summoner spells.

Yes, unfortunately Riot patched the way it works, it's no longer working. If it somehow changes in the future, We'll let you know. 

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