Graphical User Interface
This GUI will show you bunch of information that can be really usefull.
- HP and MANA
- If the enemy has his Ultimate or not ( green / yellow circle at the top )
- Build in recall tracker
- The big red number in the middle shows you for how long the enemy is in fog of war
- The small red number at the bottom shows you how much time the enemy needs to reach your current position
Draws Movement Circles
With this circle you can see where the enemy could everywhere go in the time he was been missing.
You can also draw the enemies last waypoint to predict where the enemy is going.
Aswell with some minimap drawings + recall
Gank Alert
A simple gank alert that shows you who is trying to gank you.
And a FOW Gank alert that shows you how many enemies are currently in fow.
Predicted Recall Position
Remember those are only predictions based on enemies last waypoint.
To make this script work you need to install manually few files in your Sprites folder!
How do I find the Sprites folder?
What next?
Now you need to download the needed sprites/images from my github.
Simply click on the two folders above to download the .rar files.
What next part 2?
Unzip them into your Sprites folder.
Last part not least
The script itself.