no, download latest version of IAC
even the latest still error
no, download latest version of IAC
even the latest still error
even the latest still error
what's the error ? it's working fine for me
I got this error when i use ryze script, how do i fix it
using lastest IAC and Inspired
p/s: sorry for being noob
This Cassio script is really good !
Good work man !
@Deftsu Like you avatar.
edit. Avesome script!
Ward Jumg (G) doesnt work!
for katarina
When I load your Vayne Script It show Vayne Failed to Load,can u help me fixed?
Ward Jumg (G) doesnt work!
for katarina
i don't even have WardJump yet .. btw your first post in community is error ?
When I load your Vayne Script It show Vayne Failed to Load,can u help me fixed?
make sure it's latest version.
make sure it's latest version.
please help
I got this error when i use ryze script, how do i fix it
using lastest IAC and Inspired
please help
I got this error when i use ryze script, how do i fix it
using lastest IAC and Inspired
i didn't change anything on ryze weeks ago and it's inspired error so ..
link for latest IAC/INSPIRED pls!
too hard to search in the script section ? ..
When press space with Blitz on Level 3 (up W) got Inspired.lua:303, deleted line 30 :
if CanUseSpell(myHero, _W) == READY and not IsInDistance(target, 150) and Config.W then CastSpell(_W) end
and it works, maybe IsInDistance is broken IDK.
Can you add Wardjump (utility) for champs like jax,lee, etc.
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