I tested them, they all seem to work for me except viktor, i can live with that
Thanks for the awesome scripts!
ill see about viktor when i have some free time
I tested them, they all seem to work for me except viktor, i can live with that
Thanks for the awesome scripts!
Is this Azir script good?
Is this Azir script good?
I can't get vayne to work but the other scripts seem to. I have all the requirements but it never loads.
Downloaded folder from iamsocool and all is good, thnx!!!
Sorry to bother you with this but viktor does not load
I can't get vayne to work but the other scripts seem to. I have all the requirements but it never loads.
work for me.
Sorry to bother you with this but viktor does not load
further info if it might help you
i did require the script in testscript
the error i got was expect "then" near end in line 79
Edit i actually did the digging myself since i could
the error was here
elseif SpellEREADY and EPred.HitChance == 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(enemy,1225) and ViktorMenu.Killsteal.E:Value() and GetCurrentHP(enemy)+GetMagicShield(enemy)+GetDmgShield(enemy) < GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, 0, 45*GetCastLevel(myHero,_E) + 25 + 0.7*GetBonusAP(myHero)) then local StartPos = Vector(myHero) - 525 * (Vector(myHero) - Vector(enemy)):normalized() if EPred.HitChance == 1 then CastSkillShot3(_E,StartPos,EPred.PredPos) end
You did write and instead of then
in all the 3 modes of spell E "harass combo and KS" hope this helped
Downloaded folder from iamsocool and all is good, thnx!!!
Where did you download this folder id like to try I cannot get vayne to load..
I just fell like thanking you again
Just carried hard in Platin 4 with Kalista Got 51/2/1 lol
Nice scripts keep doing what you do Deftsu!
I keep getting loop error whenever I try to play vayne is there a fix for this?
further info if it might help you
i did require the script in testscript
the error i got was expect "then" near end in line 79
Edit i actually did the digging myself since i could
the error was here
elseif SpellEREADY and EPred.HitChance == 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(enemy,1225) and ViktorMenu.Killsteal.E:Value() and GetCurrentHP(enemy)+GetMagicShield(enemy)+GetDmgShield(enemy) < GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, 0, 45*GetCastLevel(myHero,_E) + 25 + 0.7*GetBonusAP(myHero)) then local StartPos = Vector(myHero) - 525 * (Vector(myHero) - Vector(enemy)):normalized() if EPred.HitChance == 1 then CastSkillShot3(_E,StartPos,EPred.PredPos) endYou did write and instead of then
in all the 3 modes of spell E "harass combo and KS" hope this helped
I replaced all three and works beautifully. thanks!
further info if it might help you
i did require the script in testscript
the error i got was expect "then" near end in line 79
Edit i actually did the digging myself since i could
the error was here
elseif SpellEREADY and EPred.HitChance == 1 and GoS:ValidTarget(enemy,1225) and ViktorMenu.Killsteal.E:Value() and GetCurrentHP(enemy)+GetMagicShield(enemy)+GetDmgShield(enemy) < GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, 0, 45*GetCastLevel(myHero,_E) + 25 + 0.7*GetBonusAP(myHero)) then local StartPos = Vector(myHero) - 525 * (Vector(myHero) - Vector(enemy)):normalized() if EPred.HitChance == 1 then CastSkillShot3(_E,StartPos,EPred.PredPos) endYou did write and instead of then
in all the 3 modes of spell E "harass combo and KS" hope this helped
that was fixed already but thanks !
I can't get vayne to work but the other scripts seem to. I have all the requirements but it never loads.
the one from imsocool is mine.. you cant do it without downloading the full folder lol already told you the reauirements in first post but nvm..
viktor fully fixed. vayne still no errors.. make sure to fully read the first post..
katarina still cancel ulti? with v23 had a lot of problems
With kata i got an error on lane 263 or something like that when i press space sometimes, but not everytimes. Not sure but maybe cuz of item. :/
Got error too in syndra.
and syndra QE snipe not working.
kata script don't work
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