hi deftsu,
about deftlib
error loading lua deftlib.lua:9: table index is nil
hi deftsu,
about deftlib
error loading lua deftlib.lua:9: table index is nil
btw for map stuff i also added a zip for the guys dont get how to download in raw
hi deftsu,
ahri.lua:160 bad attempt to index global 'EPred'(a nil value)
is it lack of local EPred?
is there any problem with vayne script its the only script it doesnt load in the game. I insalled all the libs required
EDIT: never mind i fixed it
hi deftsu,
ahri.lua:160 bad attempt to index global 'EPred'(a nil value)
is it lack of local EPred?
Here is the Lsharp onekeytowin blitz script
It casts E before it even Q I think, I still cannot see where it applies standing there after Q or how it times the AA. Lsharp is disabled for free user since 5.20 just patch, I would try it later to fee the different.
Lines 150-153
private void BeforeAttack(Orbwalking.BeforeAttackEventArgs args) { if (E.IsReady() && args.Target.IsValid<Obj_AI_Hero>() && Config.Item("autoE", true).GetValue<bool>()) E.Cast();
kalista been working good long but when i updated to latest it wont load at all ingame. help?
kalista been working good long but when i updated to latest it wont load at all ingame. help?
Lines 150-153
private void BeforeAttack(Orbwalking.BeforeAttackEventArgs args)
if (E.IsReady() && args.Target.IsValid<Obj_AI_Hero>() && Config.Item("autoE", true).GetValue<bool>())
Here is the Lsharp onekeytowin blitz script
It casts E before it even Q I think, I still cannot see where it applies standing there after Q or how it times the AA. Lsharp is disabled for free user since 5.20 just patch, I would try it later to fee the different.
Btw to save people from scrolling to copy paste maybe add in description ctrl+a to mark all text XD just a quality of life thing i think a lot of people will like, my friend got so happy when i told him this lol
Btw to save people from scrolling to copy paste maybe add in description ctrl+a to mark all text XD just a quality of life thing i think a lot of people will like, my friend got so happy when i told him this lol
so you prefer to E even before you know you will hit him ??
Is there enough time to cast E right after Q every time? I don't know, but I think he codes that for a reason.
Does baseult work? Because i used it with Ezreal last game (require Baseult in testscript added) and it has showed menu but didnt kill anyone. I saw for example zed who was recalling with low hp (killable) and it hasnt shooted. Whats up with that? I redownloaded it too.
Download last librarys from "ALPHA Community Scripts", we have high amount of broken and old links on this forum
ok thanks
I upgraded everything and in game when I hold space with ahri on top left I get an error with deftlib about Getting Player position or something how can I fix
I upgraded everything and in game when I hold space with ahri on top left I get an error with deftlib about Getting Player position or something how can I fix
This is the error I get, if possible tell me how to fix it I have everthing
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