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[NewUpdate - Must See] New Events / Callbacks [w/ MeoBeo]
With this new version you decide which callback you want to load, instead of having all of them running in the background although you were not going to use them.
This version also includes a few performance improvements.
How does this work?
As of now we have 5 callbacks which are the following ones:
LevelUp (OnLevelUp)
BuffExplorer (OnUpdateBuff/OnRemoveBuff)
Animation (OnAnimation)
Vision (OnGainVision / OnLoseVision)
Item (OnBuyItem / OnSellItem)
To load one, two, or all of them you need to do this:
Let's imagine we want to load LevelUp and Vision Callbacks:
require("callbacks")["Load"]({"levelup", "vision"}) -- not case sensitive
And this would be everything as of now, have fun... I guess.
MeoBeo and me have decided to make a unique topic with the callbacks we have written. Respective topics will be written here. We will be adding more with the time.
If any of you want to contribute feel free to PM one of us.
Hi, this simple script was supposed to work as OnUpdateBuff and OnRemoveBuff callback. It should be useful when you write new script. There is a limitation to it since it works for heroes only. However, you can update it for minion and others
OnUpdateBuff(function(unit,buff) --get triggered when someone gets new buff --your code here end) OnRemoveBuff(function(unit,buff)--get triggered when someone's buff is expired --your code here end)
With this new version you decide which callback you want to load, instead of having all of them running in the background although you were not going to use them.
This version also includes a few performance improvements.
How does this work?
As of now we have 5 callbacks which are the following ones:
LevelUp (OnLevelUp)
BuffExplorer (OnUpdateBuff/OnRemoveBuff)
Animation (OnAnimation)
Vision (OnGainVision / OnLoseVision)
Item (OnBuyItem / OnSellItem)
To load one, two, or all of them you need to do this:
Let's imagine we want to load LevelUp and Vision Callbacks:
require("callbacks")["Load"]({"levelup", "vision"}) -- not case sensitive
And this would be everything as of now, have fun... I guess.