Supported orb: IC
Need feedback and suggestions about combo, prediction, auto windwall, etc. (R logic not ready yet)
Supported orb: IC
Need feedback and suggestions about combo, prediction, auto windwall, etc. (R logic not ready yet)
first . up up
the free skins dont seem to work, please fix bug
the free skins dont seem to work, please fix bug
auto windwall does not seem to work for me, not giving any errors or smth used IC orb
auto windwall does not seem to work for me, not giving any errors or smth used IC orb
What spells?
You have menu with detected spells?
Check your danger level settings
I didn't find any problems
is this real life
upvoted, due to awesome signature
Best script of yasuo i ever seen, +1
PS : Can u just add in lane clear combo E + Q ?
Auto WW not working for zoe, yas q2, veigar, or leblanc other than that best yasuo script ive ever used tbh
plays yasuo just as good if not better than i could legit
Combo Logic = Aim for multiple with Q kncok up (Dunno if it already does this got into a fight where it q'd behind me then e'd through instead of e and q both)
Amazing script! thank for this, you should put this on release scripts, works very nice, maybe need some adjustments or fixed but its 100% playable.
don't work
don't work
? I've played over 20 games with it.
All I gotta say about it is sometimes it'll randomly stop casting Q so I do it normally when holding spacebar and kiting, dunno why normally happens in longer fights when we're both at 100 hp or so.
Other than that I've watched it slide through a minion to throw a Q into a 3 man knock up, it's a pretty basic yasuo script, but thats what makes it good. Yasuo is a brain champion not spacebar to win champ
To author of script
Combo advice is it could use Q knock up and slide thru with E auto then R instead of EQ knock up for combo I see it prioritize EQ knock up for some reason, and it misses quite a bit
And the Auto Windwall does not work on many champions, which is no big deal really. Should fix for Veigar, and bigger targets that can just throw one ability and kill you though.
Edit: realized that the script not using Q is due to target selector I believe? It won't Q if theres a squishy champ but will continue to auto the tank instead of trying to get to the backline. (will happen occasionally)
How I can use WIP settings?
Love this too! Cant wait for finished yas and lucian - my 2 favs
As for me it uses w so bad : it doesn`t use it or use it in another side of opponent and wip sections don`t even open =(
As for me it uses w so bad : it doesn`t use it or use it in another side of opponent and wip sections don`t even open =(
wip - work in progress
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