Thank you so much
Thank you so much
Hi my lord please add ignite to activator thanks
Edit: and smite on champs and jungle monster if possible thanks you!
Edited by ggBless, 28 April 2018 - 02:02 .
Guess you're not planning to make it support a different orb :/
Supported DAC and DAC:R
not last hitting with cassiopeia
when "auto" is off, even though you're pressing spacebar combos are not pulling on
bad script in my opinion
drop fps?
not last hitting with cassiopeia
when "auto" is off, even though you're pressing spacebar combos are not pulling on
bad script in my opinion
Cassiopeia works good. Maybe you don't use IOW/GoSWalk orbwalker.
My FeedBack:
Used this Amazing script and IOW orbwalker
add me on discord: LiquiDz#0399
i can give u free accounts on EUW with any champ u want
to keep ur scripts up, and ty
drop fps '-'
T01 Series v1.2.3.2
1. Features:
- Supports 21 champions: Ahri, Annie, Brand, Cassiopeia, Fizz, Gnar, Jayce, Katarina, LeBlanc,
MasterYi, Orianna, Riven, Ryze, Syndra, TwistedFate, Veigar, Viktor, Vladimir, Xerath, Yasuo, Zed
- 4 choosable predictions (GoS, IPrediction, GPrediction, OpenPredict) + CurrentPos casting,
- 3 managers (Enemies-around, Mana, HP),
- Configurable casting settings (Auto, Combo, Harass),
- Different types of making combat,
- Advanced farm logic (LastHit, LaneClear, JungleClear),
- Additional Anti-Gapcloser and Interrupter,
- Spell range drawings (circular),
- Special damage indicator over HP bar of enemy,
- Offensive items usage & stacking tear,
- Includes Auto Level-Up with table selection.
2. ToDo:
- Nothing more, only patch updates..
3. Requirements:
- Additional dangerous spells library: https://raw.githubus...erousSpells.lua [create a .lua file in Common folder and paste the code]
- Orbwalker: IOW/GosWalk
4. Installation:
5. Q&A:______________________________Q: How can I install this masterpiece?A: Click on this button (-> Click Here <-). Optionally you can manually install AntiDangerousSpells (3. Requirements).________________________________Q: How to get into settings of that script?A: Click shift and find [T01] window. Remember to set your options for your own playstyle!________________________________________________________Q: Script is loaded, but why it's not casting spells (only autoattacking)?A: Click shift, go to the Orbwalker section and choose IOW or GoSWalk, then you need to click 2x F6 (reload).___________________________________Q: Why i have _GoSBase_ or similar errors?A: Probably you use other scripts, that are outdated or corrupted. If problem still appears, turn off max damage drawings._______________________________________________Q: Why is my champion still casting Q spell around himself?A: It's called as tear stacking, but you can disable it in Misc menu.______________________________________Q: Xerath doesn't release his Q. What can i do?A: When you're casting Q, you need to click "A" on keyboard to release it (in due course)._____________________________________________Q: Why Cassiopeia sometimes doesn't use E on combat?A: It is bug in GoS Internal and only Feretorix can fix it.Gameplays:
poderia adicionar o teemo ?
could you add hecarim please?
I get bugsplat on Xerath on this script? only me?
i cant play because my fps drop to 20
help me, please.
Desativa as linhas
please improve q prediction because this is very bad and if it possible add q,aa reset please
Edit: Caitlyn dont shot in e skill and traps targets fix it please ( i mean caitlyn dont shoot on targets with extra range buff)
Edited by ggBless, 04 May 2018 - 08:22 .
Edited by crytek, 05 May 2018 - 03:28 .
sir how can edit like your katarina prediction
there enemy skill you can see what i need to edit
Playing with '' Zed '' at the time of Combo the script is giving error ends up closing the game having to open again .. could have a look.
Playing with '' Zed '' at the time of Combo the script is giving error ends up closing the game having to open again .. could have a look.
Could you give a screenshot?
Could you give a screenshot?
Why while playing cassiopeia she uses E only on poisioned enemy. i change E Method to standard but still only for poisoned enemy.
love it gj
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