Very good! now i can finally kill with yasuo
With lane it use E very good but in full combo not the same right? not dashing so much at all,
mhmm it does for me.. ill try seeing whats causing it
Very good! now i can finally kill with yasuo
With lane it use E very good but in full combo not the same right? not dashing so much at all,
mhmm it does for me.. ill try seeing whats causing it
zed q wall not working ?
is is possible to make it wall more then just that selected chars?
not using e to minions to chase targeted champions
thank you
I agree. Would be pretty useful if you could add auto E to minions to reach the target.
not using e to minions to chase targeted champions
I agree. Would be pretty useful if you could add auto E to minions to reach the target.
Ill add gapcloser
thank you
thx for listening
what does it mean when it throws out error 111 just out of curiousity
what does it mean when it throws out error 111 just out of curiousity
It is when multiple skills shots that are blockable are shot. I believe. (Working on a fix)
can you add "Use E for gapcloser on a minion" (Sorry my really bad english )
can you add "Use E for gapcloser on a minion" (Sorry my really bad english
This +1
and I got this
This +1
and I got this
Amazing yasuo script. btw i got this error even i reloaded it many times theres still an error
4th gradeOr maybe im just that
Random Ults.Enemy under turret with 100%hp and when he get knockup my ult gone.. i died 2 times just because of this.Please fix it!TY
this script is very low, he dont have auto haras with Q the wall work at some champs not all and you cant win with this script...or carry a game...
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