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Ziggs Beta

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Script is still in development and is likely missing some features. I'm just looking to get a playable script out that's using some components of my Alpha lib to help test it for potential issues and to inspire further development for myself.  



Script Features


W+Q Bounce combo: If your W is near an enemy hero who is in Q range, it will detonate W while casting Q towards where it thinks they will land. This should result in nearly 100% accuracy for a reliable burst combo.

W Peel: If enemy in target list comes within peel range, it will drop W between you and them and use it to knock yourself back. This still needs work - I'll be making sure it knocks you in opposite directions as enemy in the future to improve reliability. 

Q/E Combo: Simple accuracy based combo - built some prediction into Alpha. It might not be perfect but it works. DOES NOT SUPPORT BOUNCED Q RANGES YET

Q Killsteal: if a target can be killed with Q and accuracy test passes it will launch Q at them (even if not in combo)

R Enemy# Combo: Simply drops ult across a specified number of enemies when combo is active. Works well enough. 

Flash Targeting: Blinks (flash, zed w2, zed r2, liss e2, leblanc w2) will cause you to cast Q or E on them where they landed. You can toggle it, it's just a test.



Requirements/Install Instructions


Alpha.lua must be in your common folder. You can download the library from this link  



No other libraries are needed. Prediction, damage calculations, etc are all handled within Alpha. 



Install the script below



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first :D

thx for your hard work

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ERROR in SDK Librarie, i don't take screencapt xd

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ERROR in SDK Librarie, i don't take screencapt xd



Make sure you have alpha.lua in the common folder and its the latest version.

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