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    The One

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This Lib will get the last 20 messages from GOS shoutbox and put them in a table.


  • Place shoutbox.lua inside your COMMON folder
  • add the following piece of code to your script
    local sb = require 'shoutbox'
    --sb now holds the function to send a request to gos shoutbox
  • Now the following code gives you an example usage
    local activePosts = sb()
    for i = 1, #activePosts do
        local post = activePosts[i]
        print(post.name .. " writes: " .. post.text)
    --[[ Print Example:
    ZeroTwo then lolext
    ZeroTwo AppData\Roaming\GamingOnSteroids
    3rne5t0 where did i find the Scripts folder 2 install external scripts?
    strikezinhu     any more?
    strikezinhu     today fps is dropping
    funco   @anthrax01 why ?
    ZeroTwo @anthrax01 its working?
    anthrax01       evade is not working in EXT too calm down guys
    Aristo  PM me
    Sen7hillz       @Aristo do you know a little bit of Gos Api ? i have one small askV
    zya44   No use evade*
    zya44   I have all time crash with hotfix... with int
    Aristo  But if you still have problems, PM me wink.png' ;)'
    Aristo  just try to learn (not difficult) Doge.png' Doge'
    Aristo  we have enough guide topics/videos/gifs
    Aristo  This patch need hotfix, that's all.
    Aristo  ext not hard to use
    Aristo  do not use shoutbox for your fault
    Aristo  @Winterz with which scripts?
    Aristo  Ext working fine with hotfix


RAW: https://raw.githubus...on/shoutbox.lua

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    The One

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Bugs: Maybe Links/Emoticons/Mentions

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    You donut

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Wow, amazing! Thank you.
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    Advanced Member

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Lol nice

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    Advanced Member

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this is a pratice of something, or did you wasted time for fun?  4Head

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    The One

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Wasted time for fun. I had to code something to not lose xp
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    Advanced Member

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Gib sauce thx
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    The One

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There you go



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