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9.4 internal

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Hey guys ! 


I'm new and i want to try the internal before external, does someone know if the 9.4 internal will be updated ? Thanks 

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Hey guys ! 


I'm new and i want to try the internal before external, does someone know if the 9.4 internal will be updated ? Thanks 

Not likely, as it hasnt updated in many many patch

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    Wut is script?

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Internal will be updated in the future but still no ETA.

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It's kinda hard to pay blindly for something you never tried... I'm on the same boat, waiting to test a free version before buying the External version D:

I never used scrpits before so I'm a newcomer need to learn how to use scripts first either

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    Wut is script?

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It's kinda hard to pay blindly for something you never tried... I'm on the same boat, waiting to test a free version before buying the External version D:

I never used scrpits before so I'm a newcomer need to learn how to use scripts first either

Internal will not be free.

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And also when it get released, it will be with slot system to save it's detection security etc! 

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Just throwing my 2 cents. this is nothing like BoL or OKTW very basic and quite a lot of the scripts are out dated or dont work properly. The menus give you little customization compare the the other platforms. I went ahead a paid to test it out but so far it has not been worth it IMO, some people might like it but to me OKTW was the gold standard and Sebby did a great job with that.

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wait... Internal won't be free?!?!?!?!?!?!

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    Wut is script?

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wait... Internal won't be free?!?!?!?!?!?!

Will be paid.

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why the **** would it be free.... use brain 

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Just throwing my 2 cents. this is nothing like BoL or OKTW very basic and quite a lot of the scripts are out dated or dont work properly. The menus give you little customization compare the the other platforms. I went ahead a paid to test it out but so far it has not been worth it IMO, some people might like it but to me OKTW was the gold standard and Sebby did a great job with that.

It brings back memories.The Golden Era of Scripting.Also GOS is an external cheat, so it will always be slower then others.For me L# was the best, because of the community for sure.BOL was also fine before the paid scripts and other bs

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