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[Patch 10.X] Premium Prediction | Modernized, Standard & AOE, API

prediction premium prediction aoe prediction standard prediction api pred gos prediction gos pred

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1. Menu:
+ Debug Settings:
 - Enable Debug, Cast Q Spell
 - Huge Speed (defines the spell speed as infinitely huge)
 - Minion Collision (prediction will process collisional minions)
 - Speed, Range, Delay, Radius, HitChance
+ Collision Buffer (adds extra value to collision radius)
+ Latency (defines your ping [in miliseconds])

2. Keys:
* CastPos - Predicted cast position (3D Vector) for spell
* PredPos - Standard predicted unit position (3D Vector)
* HitChance - Chance of hitting unit:
   -2              Impossible prediction
   -1              Minion or wall collision
    0              Unit is out of range
    0.01 - 0.24     Low accuracy
    0.25 - 0.49    Medium accuracy
    0.50 - 0.74    High accuracy
    0.75 - 0.99    Very high accuracy
    1              Unit is immobile or dashing
* TimeToHit - Predicted arrival time of spell (in seconds)
* CanHit - Defines if spell cast is possible (boolean)
* Center - Center (2D Point {x, y}) of minimum enclosing circle
* Radius - Radius (number) of minimum enclosing circle

3. API:
_G.PremiumPrediction:Loaded() - returns boolean
_G.PremiumPrediction:PredictUnitPosition(source, unit, spellData) - returns {CastPos, PredPos, TimeToHit, CanHit}
_G.PremiumPrediction:GetPrediction(source, unit, spellData) - returns {CastPos, PredPos, HitChance, HitCount, TimeToHit}
_G.PremiumPrediction:GetAOEPrediction(source, unit, spellData) - returns {CastPos, PredPos, HitChance, HitCount, TimeToHit}
_G.PremiumPrediction:GetDashPrediction(source, unit, spellData) - returns {CastPos, PredPos, TimeToHit, CanHit}
_G.PremiumPrediction:GetFastPrediction(source, unit, spellData) - returns PredPos
_G.PremiumPrediction:GetHitChance(source, unit, castPos, spellData, timeToHit, canHit) - returns HitChance
_G.PremiumPrediction:GetImmobileDuration(unit) - returns duration (in seconds)
_G.PremiumPrediction:GetMEC(points) - returns {Center, Radius}
_G.PremiumPrediction:GetMovementSpeed(unit) - returns speed (units per second)
_G.PremiumPrediction:GetPositionAfterTime(unit, time) - returns future position (3D Vector)
_G.PremiumPrediction:GetWaypoints(unit) - returns table with waypoints
_G.PremiumPrediction:IsColliding(source, position, spellData, flags, exclude) - returns table of units or false
_G.PremiumPrediction:IsDashing(unit) - returns boolean
_G.PremiumPrediction:IsFacing(source, unit, angle) - returns boolean
_G.PremiumPrediction:IsMoving(unit) - returns boolean
_G.PremiumPrediction:IsPointInArc(sourcePos, unitPos, endPos, range, angle) - returns boolean
_G.PremiumPrediction:OnDash(unit, dashData) - calls function when unit started dashing
_G.PremiumPrediction:OnGainVision(unit) - calls function when unit has revealed
_G.PremiumPrediction:OnLoseVision(unit) - calls function when unit has disappeared
_G.PremiumPrediction:OnProcessSpell(unit, spellData) - calls function when unit has casted channeling spell
_G.PremiumPrediction:OnProcessWaypoint(unit, startPos, endPos) - calls function when unit has changed pathing
_G.PremiumPrediction:To2D(position) - converts position to 2D Point {x, y}
_G.PremiumPrediction:To3D(point, height) - converts 2D Point {x, y} to 3D Vector
_G.PremiumPrediction.HitChance.<Name>(hitChance) - returns boolean if <Name> matches given HitChance
Hitchance names: {Impossible | OutOfRange | Low | Medium | High | VeryHigh | Dashing | Immobile}

4. Example for Ryze Q:
require "PremiumPrediction"
local spellData = {speed = 1700, range = 1000, delay = 0.25, radius = 55, collision = {"minion"}, type = "linear"}
local pred = _G.PremiumPrediction:GetPrediction(myHero, target, spellData)
if pred.CastPos and _G.PremiumPrediction.HitChance.Medium(pred.HitChance) and Game.CanUseSpell(_Q) == 0 then
    Control.CastSpell(HK_Q, pred.CastPos) 

Download: http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/

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:) XD

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Created PR into your repo, check it out, if you're still alive :D

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Hi, do I just put this file into folder Common or I need to paste it somewhere else?

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Hi, do I just put this file into folder Common or I need to paste it somewhere else?


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without trying to sound stupid, where can I find the common folder for Gos?

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without trying to sound stupid, where can I find the common folder for Gos?

Right click in the loader and click to "commonf folder" 

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How can I install Premium Prediction and the other library?

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: prediction, premium prediction, aoe prediction, standard prediction, api pred, gos prediction, gos pred

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