The bot is now running for 16 hours. Started with around 600$ and this my log:
The bot is now running for 16 hours. Started with around 600$ and this my log:
This is my harvest today!
@loveto5014 Your total profit yesterday was 25$ and today is 75$, That's around 50$ daily profit which means a minimum of 1500$ per month (50$ multiplied by 30 days = 1500)
What is your initial investment? 5000$ is what I am assuming?
Today March 13th 2021:
About myself .. I have invested more money in the automated bot (money which users have paid to me). My current total balance is 2300$:
And those are my profit logs:
Won 91$ for those 3-4 days and only yesterday 25$ which is more than 1% winrate for yesterday.
I guess BTC pumping to 60K played a role in that positive win.
I am planning on investing more in the bot to scale further profits. Thank you everyone which trusted in this bot and saw it's the real deal.
Also for all future customers, I want to announce we made a discord channel where people can share their profit logs or discuss anything crypto/bot regarding.
I need this bot any discount for dev? XDD
I need this bot
any discount for dev? XDD
Answered to your PM.
A small update
Bot is still going strong and trading whenever it sees fit. As u can see, in as little as 4 and a half days the bot has made 0.003 btc plus profit on that! one word, amazing.
Gradually putting more money into the bot over time
I would advise anyone that is still doubting this to just give it a try. It just works. Honestly
Will keep u all updated on any events/gains
Question, How do I receive the bot, or do I have to give my funded account, or is it one of those bot with scripts? am interested
Question, How do I receive the bot, or do I have to give my funded account, or is it one of those bot with scripts? am interested
Hello, you pay to feretorix and then i set everything up, you don't have to give any account to us or the bot, the bot(it's a site) works with bybit's API key which only accesses to start a trade and stop it, so it only needs permission to start a trade and end that, it does not access to your balance or account in anyway. Please send a PM to feretorix if you're interested.
i would like to try this bot..
Many people are probably waiting for this day, waiting to see how the bot will perform when BTC is dropping in price from 62K to 54K. Well guess what? The bot survived this dip and lowered our entry price to 58K by buying cheaper BTC on the way down and of course lowering our liquidation price which is now hovering around 48K:
The only sad thing was during this downtrend our bot had to pay a small fee every 8 hours to bybit for keeping an open trade which sucks.
Recently with the hard dip on the price a lot of people panic sold their coins on a loss or simply got completely liquidated (lost their portfolio). We can confirm this by the "Funding rate" in the site:
(The more people on an active "LONG" trade - the higher the fee)
After you hover with your mouse on the funding rate you can see it is predicted to go really really low after a few hours:
And this is the profit ratio of the bot in the past few days. You can see the bot NEVER sold on a loss and simply didn't trade if the deal was bad:
And I want to share the message I posted to all my bot buyers in the private discord channel where we talk with each other or discuss the bot action:
So yes... the bot did not make huge profits in the past 2 days, only 12$ total, but as the price will start to recover we're expected to see those sweet gains once more, probably on the way up to 70K per coin.
Is it possible to get the discord link of the bot ?
Is it possible to get the discord link of the bot ?
Only after you pay, you get invited in the private discord group of the bot.
Gonna wait for a discount. Certainly interested.
BTC hasnt much up in these 2 days but bot is working good. The amount of btc the bot earned for me in the screenshot.
Seems interesting.
I do have a couple of questions though and excuse my lack of technical understanding.
Edited by Luyken, 17 March 2021 - 07:11 .
Just a small update, we had a huge dip the last few days ( the unrealised profit even went to -300 usd ) and it had a trade open for a pretty long while.. even though it bought in at 62,5k due to the bot's logic it managed to get out with profit at 58,7k.. it did this on buying when btc was low and calculating how and when would be the best time to do so. adjusting orderprices often. pretty nice, a normal trader would've definitely lost money on this dip; the bot is flawless.
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