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    You donut

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have fun :)


thanks to Impuls and  SeriesDev

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Why doesn't this have the expanding circles from enemies that go missing anymore?  No gank alert really either

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    You donut

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Why doesn't this have the expanding circles from enemies that go missing anymore?  No gank alert really either

No idea, nothing has changed in the codes. 

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best awareness script sad it make GoS crash too much, can someone maybe fix it ? or made a new awareness script  :ph34r:

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    You donut

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best awareness script sad it make GoS crash too much, can someone maybe fix it ? or made a new awareness script  :ph34r:

Utilities are always painful, most of them can't be fixed. It is better to use less utility scripts and let gos work better on orbwalker and champion scripts. 

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Utilities are always painful, most of them can't be fixed. It is better to use less utility scripts and let gos work better on orbwalker and champion scripts. 

idk awareness is so usefull imo, ward tracker is just op just this feature would be great

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idk awareness is so usefull imo, ward tracker is just op just this feature would be great

Didn't mean they are not useful, just not worth to sacrifice the performance and get crashes. You can try official ward tracker instead, there are many utilities most of them cause crash or drop fps, it doesn't mean they have to be updated or old it just rito side thing, they don't work well externally. Better to use less utility like I said before. I only use cdtracker that's enough for me. 

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Didn't mean they are not useful, just not worth to sacrifice the performance and get crashes. You can try official ward tracker instead, there are many utilities most of them cause crash or drop fps, it doesn't mean they have to be updated or old it just rito side thing, they don't work well externally. Better to use less utility like I said before. I only use cdtracker that's enough for me. 

maybe im wrong but official ward tracker doesnt work ? but yeah i understand ur point, i was thinking it crash because they are outdated my bad

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    You donut

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maybe im wrong but official ward tracker doesnt work ? but yeah i understand ur point, i was thinking it crash because they are outdated my bad

Haven't tested but should work fine I guess. Feel free to test it out. 

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Haven't tested but should work fine I guess. Feel free to test it out. 

i didnt fint it in loader/forum

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i didnt fint it in loader/forum

Tick official utilities on the loader and re-start it. 

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Tick official utilities on the loader and re-start it. 


edit: fappy league best script xd

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edit: fappy league best script xd

:D haha

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needs a update maybe :D

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