Well, hello there
Welcome to dnsFighter
Champions: Irelia (more to come)
shi is epic
minor update: Irelia laneclear / lasthit adjusted, fixed a little bug. added a faster E on Immobile targets logic.
In the last update I accidently disabled the normal E. Is fixed now.
Really appreciate the work you are doing here mate
Nice work! i love the script :
the only problem i noticed is:
it wont q sometimes in mid-late game.(farming)
Please Please PLEASE! Make a Yorick Script, he's so OP right now. If you can get his E to land 75% of the time he'll just destroy every elo up until Diamond
Also you'd be the first to make a Yorick script, there isn't one on GoS
thanks for all the work
Irelia now q randomly,
error code: (in blue) Hitchance: 0 TimeToHit: 0,25
Glad to hear that.
best script by far
major Update: - Added Irelia Q Combostacking - Added better ComboLogic(now works with Targetselector Mode "Auto") - *Melee Helper added - better E prediction with adjustable HitChance - RPrediction renewed.
*Melee / Range Helper is a little Movementassist which helps you to make better use of your range and react faster to movementchanges from the enemy.
can you add Yone ?
e seems little bit slow. other than that its good imo
still working on a better e pred. Dw will come
gonna test it out.. maybe Sett in the future ?
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