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not feeling safe purchasing

safe purchasing

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I was thinking for a while if I should buy this cheat. as I was about to buy it I was making sure I was fully safe and I noticed at the purchase screen the website is not secured 
therefore people could steal your credit card and I didn't feel safe purchasing it

I don't really have a point in this topic it's just please make the purchase screen secured

for the people that don't know what I'm talking about at the top left it shows if it website is secure or not

Thanks GOS.

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The checkout page is secured, go for it, the website is in HTTPS at the last step

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Hello, we just don't have https on the forum, because the loader doesn't support it. But we are using "Stripe gateway" for the card payments and it's secure. And https is active in the last step of the purchase page though, as you can see here: eKAMABo.png .


Or you can just buy via crypto if you want. You send crypto to the address coinbase gateway provides.


Or PayPal from me, but the card payment is safe anyway. And we are servicing our products since 2015 and you can see the active users on the forum and realize there's nothing to be scared. 

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just use a virtual or disposable card

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Use cashapp/privacy vcc if you feel like you don't trust the payment gateway

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this is an edit from the future I don't know why I was not feeling safe buying it I just bought it's pretty sick 

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    You donut

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this is an edit from the future I don't know why I was not feeling safe buying it I just bought it's pretty sick 

Glad to hear that you are having fun with our product, enjoy your stay. 

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