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I don't really see the point of making a list like this when there aren't even complete scripts yet. 

For example why add katarina when the orbwalker stops her ult and the program itself can mess up your resets (thank you evade)

I can bring up more examples but you get my point, there aren't really any good champs to use with GoS when there's no logic yet. That's my opinion though. 

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I don't really see the point of making a list like this when there aren't even complete scripts yet. 

For example why add katarina when the orbwalker stops her ult and the program itself can mess up your resets (thank you evade)

I can bring up more examples but you get my point, there aren't really any good champs to use with GoS when there's no logic yet. That's my opinion though. 

Ever Played  ryze with gos? pls rethink your opinion afterwards thx ;)

(Easy Public 25/2/18)

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good job bro

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What about lucian>?

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how do u you configs 

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