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Can anyone help fix Anivia and Dianna in PussyAio

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Can anyone help fix Anivia and Dianna in PussyAio?


For Anivia, I found R cannot keep casting, Q cannot explode when it hit the champion, W sometime not casting at all

For Dianna, I found its Q just cast for minimum range and cannot hit the champion, I thinks it might be the accuracy problem of Q?

I think these two champion might need to review and rework in order to have a proper skill cast


Thanks for your help

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Impuls said he'll take a look at this once he finished the work with Damagelib update(for kalista stuff and a few other things) so expect updates in the near future. 

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any update? thanks

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any update? thanks

I've had a bit of time to look into these, no major fixes though just yet. I thought I fixed AniviaQ but then broke it again xD
For Anivia, IIRC it's a port of an old INT script so there's a lot to be improved on; recode/rework or maybe just a better way to Missile & Object detection/tracking/updating I want to look into.

Q2 currently relies on checking per CastQ() target if they are in Q2 radius @ GameObject.pos (works fine for R that doesn't move).
Not great for moving object, especially with the delay that Game.Missile()/Game.Object() have with anticheat measures + updating the GameObject.pos accordingly need improvement.
delays of ~ 25-100ms sometimes

For Dianna, But I think I know what you mean and have idea's for Dianna.
The Q pred is as a linear skillshot so there's some wonk. It could probably use some custom Arc predication, or use premium pred version of it might work.
Also could use the Vector behind target trick with Anivia W, Morde E, Trundle E.

FeelsBadMan no updates to push just yet.

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