add simple Udyr:Combo: E>R>Q, Awakened passive for R spell, W when selfhp low,JungleClear: Q,R, Awakened Q on one , Awakened R on more, W when self hp low.Please reinstall or update manually.
nice, time to update my aio file then.
add simple Udyr:Combo: E>R>Q, Awakened passive for R spell, W when selfhp low,JungleClear: Q,R, Awakened Q on one , Awakened R on more, W when self hp low.Please reinstall or update manually.
nice, time to update my aio file then.
Hey bro can you add galio please?
bro your adding every champion that im requesting and that there is no script for on the forum , respect your the best <3
Thank you very much for the release <3, this has all the champions i wished to script on !
Thank you very much for the release <3, this has all the champions i wished to script on !
Thanks, welcome to try and feedback.
hi bro love the rakan works like a charm. If you can add taliyah and gragas in the futur would be insane ! thanks for you work
If you are able to add Yorick I have never seen a working Yorick script. Pretty strong top laner
If you are able to add Yorick I have never seen a working Yorick script. Pretty strong top laner
It's weekend, I just added Yorick, please try.(reinstall or update manually aio)
holy **** thank you
Yorick is top notch,
Would you mind adding an option to Auto wall ON immobile and also Q in last hit instead of only laneclear please?
Yorick is top notch,
Would you mind adding an option to Auto wall ON immobile and also Q in last hit instead of only laneclear please?
laneclear already contains useQ lasthit logic, also while there are at least 3 graves nearby will auto cast awakeningQ
and autoW on immobile target is a good suggestion, will to do.
Edit: added Yorick option "autoW on immobile target", try after re-install.
Edited by zgjfjfl, 09 September 2022 - 11:09 .
laneclear already contains useQ lasthit logic, also while there are at least 3 graves nearby will auto cast awakeningQ
and autoW on immobile target is a good suggestion, will to do.
Edit: added Yorick option "autoW on immobile target", try after re-install.
i know , lane clear is (V)
But adding it on lasthit(X) would be great in case i need to freeze the lane
i know , lane clear is (V)
But adding it on lasthit(X) would be great in case i need to freeze the lane
I think it's best to use basic attack when control lane, because I set auto awakening Q to activate Mist Walker, which will result in forced to push lane.
If you need it, I've added it.
edit: after test, I found use E activate Mist Walker is better (use E can makes Mist Walker dash into enemy), so move "use Q activate Mistwalker" to use when laneclear.
Edited by zgjfjfl, 10 September 2022 - 01:26 .
Is a zac script possible?
hi bro love the rakan works like a charm. If you can add taliyah and gragas in the futur would be insane ! thanks for you work
Is a zac script possible?
Sorry, my account does not have these champions for now, I can try when I have them later and when I have time.
Sorry, my account does not have these champions for now, I can try when I have them later and when I have time.
Zeri works quite well but the Q usage could been better in "C" harras/ farming mode. It just sticks to autoattacks for last hitting in that mode and that obv doesnt work too well Also a toggle on/off for auto Q enemies with hotkey like GG Ez would be quite nice for the laning phase.
Thanks for your great effort and work lately
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