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[OKAY✔️]Zgjfjfl Simple AIO

zgjfjfl simpleaio Briar Milio

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Can you do Tristana ? ;) Thanks for your scripts man ! 

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Thank you again brosef.  If you have any time I would suggest Ivern- there has never been an ivern script on GOS.  Anyway thank you again!!

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What about bard bro

A.lua support this champ, try it self.



Zeri works quite well but the Q usage could been better in "C" harras/ farming mode. It just sticks to autoattacks for last hitting in that mode and that obv doesnt work too well ;) Also a toggle on/off for auto Q enemies with hotkey like GG Ez would be quite nice for the laning phase.


Thanks for your great effort and work lately ;)

The purpose of both Auto Q and "C" is to harass the enemy, so I only added Auto Q. Download it from github

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Can you do Tristana ? ;) Thanks for your scripts man ! 

I know there are three scripts support him, namely 14aio, dnsMarksmen and pussyaio, and they all work fine, I don't have to add this champion again, sorry.

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Thank you again brosef.  If you have any time I would suggest Ivern- there has never been an ivern script on GOS.  Anyway thank you again!!


Ivern, very few people use him and the only script feature he can use is the Q spell, which I can add later if you need it.

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1, added Udyr Playstyle Options: mainQ or mainR;(12.18 buffs his Q)

2, added Ivern: combo Q R,auto E . :D 
Please reinstall or manually update in the loader

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A.lua support this champ, try it self.



The purpose of both Auto Q and "C" is to harass the enemy, so I only added Auto Q. Download it from github

I don't believe a.lua supports bard for what it's worth, though I think the only thing for bard worth coding is some sort of q logic, maybe an option to only cast when there's something behind the target. As far as throwing suggestions into the ring, We don't have a Lissandra script, despite her being one of the better mids for it, something with Q logic (similar to lucian extended q), W # of players hit slider, and an ult targets menu/aoe targets hit option would be really good. Also, kassadin is one of the best scripting mids, especially for ext which doesn't do well with skillshots, but the only one that exists (pussy) is outdated and crashes constantly. Anyways, thanks for all of your scripts! Much love!

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I also dont think a. Lua supports bard but i will check soon and update. But if not, would be great if you can do the bard Q and also auto R on low allies/towers
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i confirm A.lua doesnt have bard :(

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I remember Bard and taliyah was supported in A.lua old version, maybe they were not added to the list in version auto3.0.
I will check.

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1, added Udyr Playstyle Options: mainQ or mainR;(12.18 buffs his Q)

2, added Ivern: combo Q R,auto E . :D 
Please reinstall or manually update in the loader



You are a legend.  This is amazing

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I know you dont have it posted on the forums but I figured Id give feedback here.  Your Zeri script seems to be causing a crash when the game ends ( What ever you inject gos to ) since the latest League update.

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I know you dont have it posted on the forums but I figured Id give feedback here.  Your Zeri script seems to be causing a crash when the game ends ( What ever you inject gos to ) since the latest League update.

Make sure you only activate that as a champ script, disable other champ scripts such as this aio and other ones, if still happens I have no idea why would that happen. 

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I remember Bard and taliyah was supported in A.lua old version, maybe they were not added to the list in version auto3.0.
I will check.


hi, any updates please?

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I know you dont have it posted on the forums but I figured Id give feedback here.  Your Zeri script seems to be causing a crash when the game ends ( What ever you inject gos to ) since the latest League update.

I tried to play a game of zeri myself, and did not encounter crash.



hi, any updates please?


added Bard (ComboQ&Extended Q), Taliyah (ComboQ,W,E,HarassQ), Lissandra (ComboQ,W,E1; HarassQ; Auto Extended Q).


Please reinstall or update manually in the loader, test and feedback suggestions.

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yeah very great ! Thanks ! 


Can you do a Cassio script ? Pussy seems buggy, if you can do it, it will be a banger ! 

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I tried to play a game of zeri myself, and did not encounter crash.




added Bard (ComboQ&Extended Q), Taliyah (ComboQ,W,E,HarassQ), Lissandra (ComboQ,W,E1; HarassQ; Auto Extended Q).


Please reinstall or update manually in the loader, test and feedback suggestions.

Tested Taliyah works good so far, If any addition possible jungle clear?

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yeah very great ! Thanks ! 


Can you do a Cassio script ? Pussy seems buggy, if you can do it, it will be a banger ! 


Yes, pussy overall is pretty garbage for most scripts^^ But thats a known issue since the "original" coder just pretty much copy pasted the whole pussyAIO from something else I think..

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I love you  <3


I tried to play a game of zeri myself, and did not encounter crash.




added Bard (ComboQ&Extended Q), Taliyah (ComboQ,W,E,HarassQ), Lissandra (ComboQ,W,E1; HarassQ; Auto Extended Q).


Please reinstall or update manually in the loader, test and feedback suggestions.

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