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Working Viktor Script?

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viktor is one of the most dominant mid laners right now but there are only 2 scripts including him ( series if i can recall and Impuls ) 


Series generally is not bad if u want to use it only for E poke but nothing else really works smoothly or with some logic .

Impuls has better logic and more options and definitely looks more promising but it sometimes crushes and the prediction can be abysmally off , like completely opposite direction of the enemy ( and for a skill shot with medium cooldown thats really not the best ) 


Do you know if there is any other Viktor script out there OR if there is a plan to fix existing Viktor scripts ?



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There is no other script that I know of. And yes, Impuls is the better options but as you mentioned its not really playable cuz it lacks some logic and pred. sometimes giga stuck^^ So I guess no decent one around as of now.

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I don't think Viktor is the best champ to script externally 

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