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scripts update request (utility)

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Hello dear dev i have been using GoS for more than 1 year now, and i have a list of bug/things to update in my mind, maybe u can did few updates : 


Official-SmiteManager : could be nice to smite dragon/nash without pressing any keys, sometime you have to fight for a drake and u pressing space and then it ll not smite.

DNS activator/GGorb : set random timer to use cleanse/cleanse only pressing space; i cannot really use cleanse cause its to obvious in high elo when u instant cleanse spell (sometimes for no reason)

JustEvade : Add cleanse option for specific spell (and able randomize timer to cleanse)

JustEvade : Some champion dont use ability to dodge(vayne's Q...), being able to dodge only using ability 

SimpleAwareness : better than CDtracker but doesnt work anymore


Have a good day !

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JustEvade : Some champion dont use ability to dodge(vayne's Q...), being able to dodge only using ability  


This would be GOD

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It's better to use evade to track drawings and dodge yourself, externally evade won't be good. 

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Hello dear dev i have been using GoS for more than 1 year now, and i have a list of bug/things to update in my mind, maybe u can did few updates : 


Official-SmiteManager : could be nice to smite dragon/nash without pressing any keys, sometime you have to fight for a drake and u pressing space and then it ll not smite.

DNS activator/GGorb : set random timer to use cleanse/cleanse only pressing space; i cannot really use cleanse cause its to obvious in high elo when u instant cleanse spell (sometimes for no reason)

JustEvade : Add cleanse option for specific spell (and able randomize timer to cleanse)

JustEvade : Some champion dont use ability to dodge(vayne's Q...), being able to dodge only using ability 

SimpleAwareness : better than CDtracker but doesnt work anymore


Have a good day !


is that why sometime autosmite doesnt work ? i thought is certain dragon it doesnt know how to autosmite.   i still cant get dns activator to work.  i have to use official activator. 


still would have to add a ignite marker or auto ignite.  regarding markers, i use to use a script that had execution marker on their HP bar.   nice to see if u go all in you can kill them vs them with 25hp left after full combo. 

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