Hi , One script working with Zeri reworked?
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Script with new Zeri Update?
Started By
, Dec 12 2022 10:51
Posted 12 December 2022 - 10:51
Posted 12 December 2022 - 06:59
Posted 13 December 2022 - 05:15
I modified some data on the original DevXzeri version.
1, updated Q&W data according to the game version (12.23).
2, added Qlasthit in harass mode.
3, added draw Q range (the range of LethalTempo is still old in the game).
4, added Qturret in laneclear mode.(exclude Barracks & Nexus)
Please download it on github
Posted 13 December 2022 - 08:39
Posted 11 February 2023 - 04:14
I modified some data on the original DevXzeri version.1, updated Q&W data according to the game version (12.23).2, added Qlasthit in harass mode.3, added draw Q range (the range of LethalTempo is still old in the game).4, added Qturret in laneclear mode.(exclude Barracks & Nexus)Please download it on github
can you increase the Q range for a little bit , so that when someone is chasing you , you do Q and they walk into it?
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