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My Thoughts & Some of My Recommendations on RL

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Ball Prediction: It's good, but I highly suggest you to play without it or at the very least only enable the in-goal option. It has a very high potential to fake you out and cause you to make really questionable decisions in front of your teammates. At least that's my case.
Boost timers: Functions exactly as the title says. The only thing I changed was the text size to 18. You might have a monitor where you need it bigger though, but 18 gives me the information without being obstructive to my gameplay.
Boost Display: Once again, does as it says. There's two versions. Bar and numerical. I use the numerical option and have the size at 18. Disable it though if you have good judgement because it does clutter up your screen and can negatively affect your game decisions, but it's mostly positively impactful. I have it enabled for both teammates and opponents.
Chat Messages: It might be useful? I could see the use for it on kickoff, but even that's kind of pointless. It's an option though if you want to use it.
Wave Dashing: Very useful! I guarantee you I press the button like over 20 times in a match. I do use it for wave dashing as it's intended, but it's good at doing recoveries. I turn off some options because wall dashing is so extra, and I have to time the release precisely if I enable continuous dashing. Very good for orienting your car, wave dashes, and just recoveries in general. You can even use this to speed flip which I've done for a while, but I was prone to backflipping to hell if I messed up my timing. You will be using this a lot as you understand the tool better.
Demo Bot: Game changer for the game sense>mechanic players out there! Turn the tide of the game by using this. I turn off auto boost and disable ball cam toggle. I actually turn off ball cam manually because I do need to see the car I'm chasing. Having it automatically do it for me messes up my gameplay because sometimes I'll threaten a demo, but won't actually go for it. I also disable auto boost because it can **** up when going up or down a wall. I also have it turned off so I can intentionally bump instead of demo. There's no reason you shouldn't be using this. I use it at least 5 times a match because I do utilize the physical side of rocket league a lot in my playstyle.
Aerial Bot
There's a lot of modes for this, so I'm going to give you my opinion on what I can.
Always Freestyle: It's good. It mentioned you need good boost feathering skills. Yeah, you do. Boosting full speed ahead with this mode will cause a chance for you to completely whiff the ball. I do not use this mode.
Alternate Freestyle: To be honest, I'm not too sure about it. I don't have enough experience with this mode to provide anything good or bad. I do not use this mode.
Alternate Freestyle 2: Same reason as alternate freestyle. I can't provide good information for this mode. I do not use this mode.
Normal Freestyle: It's basically always freestyle but better. That's how I see it when I did play with the mode. It's good. I do not use this mode.
Normal Aerial: No spinning re-adjustments. Useful for going straight to the ball, and manually controlling air roll in a manner you want. I used it for a while, and it fit my playstyle well. I do not use this mode.
Mixed Normal Aerial: It's nice. I wish I could provide better info lol. I do not use this mode.
Strict Aerial: Straight to ball. No spinning anything. Almost guaranteed to at least touch the ball every single time. I currently use this as my third mode and have it set to air dribble.
Upside Down Aerial: Yeah. Good. I do not use this mode.
Flip Resets: It's good. I've gotten good flip resets with this, but I don't use it often. I'm a very grounded player. I don't want to spend more time in the air than I have to and I'm an anti-flashy mech player, so I don't like using it. I currently use this as my secondary mode.
Alternate Normal Aerial 1/2/3: These modes try to score the ball, but each of them function differently. Look into it yourself, but the 4th mode is the best mode right now imho. I do not use these modes.
Alternate Normal Aerial 4: The Best mode in my opinion. I wouldn't use this mode with the freestyle modes. It just... doesn't feel right for me and looks unnatural. I manually adjust my car via air roll only near the end and only slightly since the car automatically gets me closer to the position I want. I currently use this as my primary mode.
Intersection Type: There is no reason you should be using an intersection type that's not type 5. Use type 5. Save yourself the trouble. You're just trying to be special if you don't use 5. (My opinion.)
Air Dribbling: You'll need to heavily fine tune and figure out how to make this work for you. There's no one size fits all for this mode; you need to spend time tweaking the settings or find a config that gets you to your desired setting because I just, for the love of GOD, can't fine tune this to my liking. I rarely air dribble, but it's nice to have the option.
Auto Boost: I HIGHLY recommend not using auto boost for aerials. This **** is not good the higher in rank you go. You NEED to learn how to manually set up an aerial and manage your own boost if you want to use this tool at its max potential.
Aim At Goal: Self-explanatory. You'll understand pretty easily once you see the tool menu explanations for the options.
Automation: I recommend disabling dribble bot in here. I use aerial and dribble bot independently. I auto drive and use handbrake, but I don't match speed. I simply use it for positioning my car for a shot or aerial. It's good most of the time. Its functions are really simple, so don't always hold onto it because it is prone to ****ing up movement at times. Don't hold it down for a long time.
Dribble Bot: It's great! It can't catch the best to be honest, and I simply cannot fine tune it to the point where it will always catch the ball no bounce, but it's understandable to be honest. I recommend learning how to catch the ball manually, and tapping dribble bot to assist in doing the catch. Once it's on your car, sometimes it ****s up. I can't explain it well, but it's normally okay to hold down the key once the ball is somewhat stable on top of your car and if you're facing in the direction of their goal. I switch between aerial ground automation and dribble bot for some really good mind game plays. I've set up a lot of dirty fake plays with this bot. I recommend learning how to manually boost, but it's not so bad if you want it to automate boosting for ball carries.
Kickoffs: I won't negatively critique it because I haven't fine tuned it myself. I use it at the beginning of a kick off, but most people eventually let go for the 50/50 to manually control the odds. It's great! It's just not always going to win if you hold it down all the time for kickoffs. Sometimes I opt to do a slow kick off, so yeah.
Flip Cancels: Pretty much used for speed flipping. I have it set to automatic flip cancel, and I have backward flips and diagonal backward flips turned off. Learn how to half flip everyone.
Mini Map: Who actually uses this? It's there if you want it, but it's more of a distraction to me. I recommend not using it.
Automatic Air Sensitivity: I'm not a controller player. I can't speak for it.
Hide Nameplates: Messes up my decision-making if I have this enabled. Your choice though.
Change FOV: I have mine set to 115. Works as intended.
Boost Management: Manages boost quite nicely!
Draw Hitbox: I have it enabled to assist in my shot placement.
Jump Indicator: Does what it says. It will indicate if you have a jump or not.
Car Vision: My favorite option. I go for a lot of mind game plays. Being able to see the opponent through the ball allows me to see when they jumped so I can make the decision to put the ball down and swing by them or flick the ball if they've positioned themselves badly or if they're going for a hard commit. I have car vision distance set to 500, but I really wish there was a toggle for this instead.
Disable Bots on Lost Focus: Keep it enabled. Seems too specific for a good reason.
Tips For Better Synergy With this Tool
Learn the easy fundamental mechanics yourself. These include, but are not limited to,
Wave Dashing (specifically sideways and onto the wall)
Fast Aerials
Half Flips
Air Roll L/R (Specifically for saves and shot placement)
Power Shots
Basic Aerial Touches (Just for the sake of understanding and creating better setups)
You DON'T need flip resets, ceiling shots, squishy saves, and all the extra bull**** to hit grand champ. What you DO need is good positioning, strong fundamentals, and just general consistency. Helps to learn shadow defense too. This tool makes shadow defense SOOO much easier, but it's not perfect. When you defend, use the tool for corrections because the aerial bot is a little buggy when the ball is headed FAST towards net. Learn backpost rotation and get real comfortable with the wall. You just need to figure out a good setup when jumping off the wall. If executed correctly, the tool will heavily assist you in reaching and controlling the ball. I recommend watching some POV videos of Nexto bot to give you some ideas on positioning and decisions. You don't need to play like a ballchasing speed demon. It's good to hang back and read the play most of the time.
I rate this tool a 9/10. It has its flaws, but I'm willing to bet most mistakes with this tool is user error for relying on it too much. It depends on how effectively you use this tool. You're the boss and this tool is your assistant. A boss can mess up sometimes and an assistant can mess up sometimes.

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    Advanced Member

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what a good review of every single option, can be also very useful for the new users, good work bro thanks.

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    You donut

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Thanks for the review! 

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That's a really good review. Thanks for sharing!

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    RocketLeague Dev

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Thank you for the detailed interview. +1

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