How to turn off your Drawing OverHPbar ??? i turn off in f7, but still appear , i think from your script, so how to off ? thank you
HP bar damage calculate? It is from GOS...
How to turn off your Drawing OverHPbar ??? i turn off in f7, but still appear , i think from your script, so how to off ? thank you
HP bar damage calculate? It is from GOS...
gona tray it layter
HP bar damage calculate? It is from GOS...
Nope, your script have also, just check again !! just find word "Draw" in your source sciprt ! I have just changed the value to (0,0,..) to off Drawhpbar
Nope, your script have also, just check again !! just find word "Draw" in your source sciprt ! I have just changed the value to (0,0,..) to off Drawhpbar
Added Q support after AA (auto atm)
Script no longer needs F7
Toggle mode for drawings
Added item support (tiamat,hydra,ghostblade,blade,randuins,QSS,Merc)
ToDo: Ult, better Q timting
did you have f7 orbwalker on or off?
very nice scripts keep up the work <3
did you have f7 orbwalker on or off?
try it now, if it dont work then turn it on
One thing if thought of to add is if 'Q' is on cool down to use 'W' in an 'AA' combo. it won't use 'W' at all if 'Q' is on cool down
Thank you for your nice script.
After I tested it, I was pleased to this script~
After use Q skill, AA cancel is nice~
but sometimes I need to W-Q-R combo, so would you modify this script to Q-aa-Q-aa-W-aa-Q-aa-R ?
The best things are user can choice Combo sequence like this :
□ Q-W-R
□ Q-W-Q-R
□ E-W-Q-R
Thank you for reading this~ and have a great day >_<
It works good~~
Once I tested it
I think AA cancel of F7 much Better !! I tested !!
I think AA cancel of F7 much Better !! I tested !!
Ofc xD
I just ported that script and hadn't had the time to add/improve many features.
yeh, btw, nice script !
My bad apprerently those where on Inspireds parts.
How to remove the drawed sircle around him?
Already removed in IoW or if it was inspired.
So now i need to know how to remove it in Riven.Lau
Guessing it's you're anti-gapcloser that has a circle.
Drawings are toggleable now so you should be able to completely remove them from shift menu. If not, check f7
- Nice Riven Script! ohmm .. Can you make Yasuo Script?! Yasuo is my favorite champion!
- Nice Riven Script! ohmm .. Can you make Yasuo Script?! Yasuo is my favorite champion!
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