2016.02.19: add option for auto w
2016.02.19: add option for auto w
2016.02.19: add option for auto w
for anyone have problem about this script:sry i can't reproduce it, but you can try update DLib(i just update it)
Ah, with most other libraries, it auto updates so I stopped manually doing it. Then I decided to look at my DLib and it was two versions behind. Thanks for letting me know to update, its working fine now
Has fiora a menu? I dont see it, and auto w dont work for me..
Has fiora a menu? I dont see it, and auto w dont work for me..
make sure you load it, it should print a msg in chat
dlib, obwalker and anticc?
dlib, obwalker and anticc?
ya, smth like that, make a screenshot plz
Is there any possibility to have this functioning with Inspired,lua? instead of simple orbwalker? just asking tho
I cant see no GUI!!!
do i put anticc.lua and simple orbwalk in scripts and turn it on or common?
I love your scripts this one and vayne script lag ALOT in the mid/late game and when i play right when i start the game then it starts to lag then i reconnect and its fine but then it does it again. Happens on vayne and fiora.
I love u sona since this script is awsome.
Ok Garen Q silence and Jax stun wont be repeled and its simple: GarenQ and Jax arent listed in antiCC.lua
U dont even need to put it in common just right click on the GOS script list to "install new script" post the URL there and add it, ive done it like this and it works fine. Update the stuff listed in the first post
EDIT: OK does simple orbwalker need to put on spacebar like simplefiora??? I tried both and IOW is active but F7 is disabled completly now fiora srsly tries to hit the weak spot instead of actually doing damage...... means if im getting kited its simple over :S
The antiCC.lua needs a rework to the new meta. Like even the new and most annoying top laner POPPY isnt repeling anything against.
I would do it myself if anyone teaches me how to do it
rework plz
appreciate ur work
update please
plz we need an updated of this script.
The script doesn't W Jax's Stun, Garens Silence. It also W's too early from Malphites slow, so it doesn't stun him. Along with the script sometimes not going for vitals, and only focusing on attacking the champ, ignoring vitals. It's a bit buggy when face to face also, or when your too far. Please Update, Btw good job so far.
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