Love the script but question, when I hold the space bar I sometimes glitch and twitch around trying to auto attack someone why is this?
Same problem here, looks little botty.
Love the script but question, when I hold the space bar I sometimes glitch and twitch around trying to auto attack someone why is this?
Same problem here, looks little botty.
Same problem here, looks little botty.
it's working fine, 100% you have f7 orbwalker on..
How too disable the orbwalker? Do I just disable harasscombo?it's working fine, 100% you have f7 orbwalker on..
How too disable the orbwalker? Do I just disable harasscombo?
auto ward when stun on bush?
why the heck you want to disable it ?? it's a core thing
It cant focus one target
It cant focus one target
update pls
after update still not work
after update still not work
ffs .. it's working
ffs .. it's working
after use E its stop work at all ...
I've updated and I still get that.
works perfect for me!
works perfect for me!
Just started playing league again and the script is very well made. One question, when I use the script to lane clear it cancels the attacks way too much. Vayne literally looks like she's twitching. Now is this something I can change on the script or is it something I can change with the F7 option? If so can you point me in the right direction to fixing it?
Just started playing league again and the script is very well made. One question, when I use the script to lane clear it cancels the attacks way too much. Vayne literally looks like she's twitching. Now is this something I can change on the script or is it something I can change with the F7 option? If so can you point me in the right direction to fixing it?
u might turn off all orbwalking in f7.
just using orbwalk in inspired.
can someone make yasuo script? its op
u might turn off all orbwalking in f7.
just using orbwalk in inspired.
can you screenshot to turn off orbwalking in f7 ?
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