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[LB SERIES] LeBlanc, are u serious? [v2.0 - Final] [DISCONTINUED]

Best Answer Maxxxel , 09 August 2016 - 01:17



Feel free to use the free Script till it breaks or use the new One

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this would be perfect if it would last hit minions, tried all orbwalkers no luck. turned off all scripts except lb still doesnt work, turn off lb then last hit orbwalker does work.

I'll check that later on (6hours~) ty for reporting
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fixed. All working
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ludens damage error

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ludens damage error

I won't be saying everything twice...
Last time I do this: read the posts above(previous site) if you still not understand write again here.
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I won't be saying everything twice...
Last time I do this: read the posts above(previous site) if you still not understand write again here.

oops sorry  :unsure:

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Dude ur script is perfect, big thanks :)

The lasthit is rly good its actually by far the best at a champ like Lb who is normally hard on lasthitting. I recommend the set the W-back to manually, since it even goes back when the enemy is alone and killable sometimes but its ok cuz every script missing brain.exe :P

Im rly rly suprised that the W forward if emeny is killable actually works very perfect. Does the script calculate the damage (QER+Ignite) and if its enough, it will automaticly W to combo range and do the full combo? cuz its actually GODLIKE i must say since it rly works very very fine. Please tell me does it works as i mention or is it different im very curious


sry for bad english :P

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Dude ur script is perfect, big thanks :)
The lasthit is rly good its actually by far the best at a champ like Lb who is normally hard on lasthitting. I recommend the set the W-back to manually, since it even goes back when the enemy is alone and killable sometimes but its ok cuz every script missing brain.exe :P
Im rly rly suprised that the W forward if emeny is killable actually works very perfect. Does the script calculate the damage (QER+Ignite) and if its enough, it will automaticly W to combo range and do the full combo? cuz its actually GODLIKE i must say since it rly works very very fine. Please tell me does it works as i mention or is it different im very curious

sry for bad english :P

lasthit is due to orbwalker :3
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Dude ur script is perfect, big thanks :)
The lasthit is rly good its actually by far the best at a champ like Lb who is normally hard on lasthitting. I recommend the set the W-back to manually, since it even goes back when the enemy is alone and killable sometimes but its ok cuz every script missing brain.exe :P
Im rly rly suprised that the W forward if emeny is killable actually works very perfect. Does the script calculate the damage (QER+Ignite) and if its enough, it will automaticly W to combo range and do the full combo? cuz its actually GODLIKE i must say since it rly works very very fine. Please tell me does it works as i mention or is it different im very curious

sry for bad english :P

As Deftsu said last hitting is done by orbwalker and the other thing, yes, if u HOLD Combo key and the script calculated that u can kill enemy with (Q E IGNITE) and 2xW to get close or (Q R E Ignite) and 1xW to get close she will do it. But she won't ever do automatic kills. I haven't done a Killsteal for her.
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Big thanks dude ur just awsome :)

One last Question: Ive notice that the QW-Combo (without R) have a slight amount of delay. Dont get me wrong its still perfect but ive seen people like faker on lb throwing Q and W nearly at same time: The Q flies and didnt even hit when he started to dash with W hitting nearly at same time. BUT the W-E combo ist very fast like Faker fast. Since faker is a Robot and this script is a robot too they normally needs to be the same or is it related to my FPS and/or Ping? My ping is constantly aroud 50 and i get FPS drops sometimes :S

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    The One

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Big thanks dude ur just awsome :)
One last Question: Ive notice that the QW-Combo (without R) have a slight amount of delay. Dont get me wrong its still perfect but ive seen people like faker on lb throwing Q and W nearly at same time: The Q flies and didnt even hit when he started to dash with W hitting nearly at same time. BUT the W-E combo ist very fast like Faker fast. Since faker is a Robot and this script is a robot too they normally needs to be the same or is it related to my FPS and/or Ping? My ping is constantly aroud 50 and i get FPS drops sometimes :S

This is because I didn't activate faker settings. I will extract faker source and adjust the QW next days.
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u mad bro :P

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u mad bro :P

should i OO

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Everything works perfectly fine but it got 1 small issue: IF u R distortion manually it automaticly gets back immediatly like 1/2 sec after casted, ive got "manual return" ON :)

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Everything works perfectly fine but it got 1 small issue: IF u R distortion manually it automaticly gets back immediatly like 1/2 sec after casted, ive got "manual return" ON :)

while holding any button?

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ye holding combo button only

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ye holding combo button only

ill check it

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ur on it? Some more informations: I meant if u W manually forward first, then mimic the W for a Q-E combo (harrass or Execute) then the mimiced W returns instantly for no reason without to even casting any spells (QE).

Hope u still around :)

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    The One

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ur on it? Some more informations: I meant if u W manually forward first, then mimic the W for a Q-E combo (harrass or Execute) then the mimiced W returns instantly for no reason without to even casting any spells (QE).

Hope u still around :)

So for understanding...


You press W manually to get in range for an enemy, then u push Harass or Combo key?

And while u press the key she instantly returns?

I need to know which key u pressed.


Couldnt reproduce the error so i made some small fixes and FPS improvements.

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I mean this: I want to kill them with this: First W forward then Mimic W forward again (both done manually) then for the Q-E combo holding spacebar (to land E is pretty hard on lb since minnions r everywhere and its pretty fast to do). He return to the mimiced W instantly after pressing spacebar before doing anything. The Evade script W and Mimic W usage is turned off so no problem there. The first W never gets returned only the second mimiced W to get in range for combo. I would do it myself but its pretty impossible for me (maybe for everyone else exept faker) to drop the chain and actually hit the right targen in time :)

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