Can you add Orbwalker F7 integration ? This is best Orbwalker for me, no fps drops, ideal last hit - if you see all minions have much hp then press V if you think minion can die soon then press X this works perfectly.
version with F7 Orbwalker Integration (only combo and killsteal, removed laneclear and useless code for me): https://raw.githubus...Integration.lua
Combo menu option:
Menu.Combo:KeyBinding("c", "Hotkey", 32)
if Menu.Combo.c:Value() then local qTarget = GetBestTarget(Q.range) if qTarget and (GetDistance(qTarget) > 440 or Ready(_E) or Ready(_Q)) and GetCurrentHP(qTarget) > 3*getdmg('AD',qTarget,myHero) then BlockF7OrbWalk(true) MoveToXYZ(GetMousePos()) else BlockF7OrbWalk(false) end Combo() else BlockF7OrbWalk(false) end