After i did what u told. It worked thx .Deftsu u r the best!!
Anyway Ur script working just fine xD
Best Answer Deftsu , 10 May 2016 - 04:11
v0.24 Update:
-Reworked Condemn Algorithm for Vayne !
Go to the full post »After i did what u told. It worked thx .Deftsu u r the best!!
Anyway Ur script working just fine xD
which champ ?
I get this on Azir
check Challenger Activator
I don't see this option anywhere on your script, or is it another one entirely?
I don't see this option anywhere on your script, or is it another one entirely?
it's another script in the utility section
it's another script in the utility section
Ahh found it, thanks mate.Much appreciated!
the script https://raw.githubus...engerSeries.lua
is broken. I only see esgjkdhagdshgldsaghldökshgölsd there
the script https://raw.githubus...engerSeries.lua
is broken. I only see esgjkdhagdshgldsaghldökshgölsd there
its the script- encyrpyted. Just use like other scripts mate
the script https://raw.githubus...engerSeries.lua
is broken. I only see esgjkdhagdshgldsaghldökshgölsd there
why would you say it's broken ?
why would you say it's broken ?
sry i didnt know its encrypted my bad
the ryze combo sometimes doesnt work at all, and does not cast R
Combo only works sometimes :-(
woaah deftsu :'( i never had a chance to talk with u xd :'( i cri evritim but gj m9
i used ryze after ryze uses ulti he does not use his other skills on the enemy can this be fixed?
auth today
Any idea when Lee's insec will be fixed? Id love to start playing him again
fix ryze script plz he doesnt use root and ult in combo mode. in combo mode he needs to use all spells so he cna kill target rather than holding on to ult and root. sometimes he doesnt even e and q
I cant install it :C
I cant install it :C
why my lillian ? :c
Getting super low fps with your scripts since 6.6, I was getting upwards of 200+ now only getting about 40-50. Not sure how to fix this. It seems to also want to update every game, x2 F6 seems to make the fps go up a little as well, Lee sin also no ;llonger does dragon from holding V, Lane clear.
Im using challenger series, humanizer & activator.
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