Why isn't the download link working ? I copied and paste onto my loader it says "LUA missing in link"
You must use raw github link
Here copy this :
Best Answer Deftsu , 10 May 2016 - 04:11
v0.24 Update:
-Reworked Condemn Algorithm for Vayne !
Go to the full post »Why isn't the download link working ? I copied and paste onto my loader it says "LUA missing in link"
You must use raw github link
Here copy this :
Thank you !
I have error {OnTick}?:0:attempt to index field 'DACMenu' (a nil value)
Ummmm..... Do I need to tick deftsu autocarry?or the script load the orbwalker automatically?
I have so much errors with this ...
Will Kalista join the challengerseries?
I have so much errors with this ...
Will Kalista join the challengerseries?
every script will join
Nice! Looking forward to it. Good job for all the work, by the way
Nice! Looking forward to it. Good job for all the work, by the way
@Deftsu Drawsprite error and a nill error
Did you already fix the Ashe error? She still doesnt use her w for some reason
Edit: Alistar uses his combo but not his e for some reason.. I also get this error with Alistar http://imgur.com/KYLf1hq
@Deftsu Drawsprite error and a nill error
Thanks for the script! it's very nice!!!
it has a bug here that Ahri can't use E with OpenPridict, but work with the rest two.
btw, i fixed my previous error with updating inspire directly on the forum , not using the f9 one, i know they should be same but it just work for me....
why I can't install it ? tell me plz.
Deftsu is amazing <3
I am getting these errors
I have hype for Kalista and Azir.
As a Alistar player I recomend do not use autoheal, becasue after use heal Alistar need a second, you will fail to chase or escape, better use it manually.
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