I am getting these errors
update Deftsu's Auto Carry
Best Answer Deftsu , 10 May 2016 - 04:11
v0.24 Update:
-Reworked Condemn Algorithm for Vayne !
Go to the full post »I am getting these errors
three bugs report
using ashe with
ChallengerSeriesVersion = 0.02
Deftsu's Auto Carry v0.05
inspired iVersion = 14
OpenPredict 0.04a
Bug on Ahri : She doesn't use Q and E in combo
Can your next champ pls be Kalista?
Um how can I disable my champ's skill drawings?
Um how can I disable my champ's skill drawings?
Under the Draw Option in de menu.
Bug on Ahri : She doesn't use Q and E in combo
switch to GoS Prediction
and i'll fix Ashe bugs in the next version, thanks for the feedback
Under the Draw Option in de menu.
Doesn't work for some reason :/
@deftsu can u add kalista e and q?
http://prntscr.com/9tyz0w get that error. have inspired and challenger and deftsu auto carry ticked in gos
http://prntscr.com/9tyz0w get that error. have inspired and challenger and deftsu auto carry ticked in gos
http://prntscr.com/9tz4h1 my inspired is in common and i know that it just keeps printing in chat to reload for it
gottt it thank you sorry my folders were all flubbed up
good job the ahri *_*
after you dowload the File.. for sprite Extract it and put the Whole Folder
DAwareness.. or the folder inside it
to your sprites?
How do I find the raw type of this URL? https://raw.github.c...engerSeries.lua
OMG O.o Nice job =D thank you
after you dowload the File.. for sprite Extract it and put the Whole Folder
DAwareness.. or the folder inside it
to your sprites?
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