with or without inbuilt evade?
Actually I think I've had evade on, that might be what it is.
with or without inbuilt evade?
Actually I think I've had evade on, that might be what it is.
- Fixed Kalista hops.
- Implemented some Riven logic.
fix most important issues when farming every champ is struggling and cant farm normaly
What's Kalista hops
The script get's an error but only with leesin though.
IWalk.lua - line 35
Attempt to concatenate field '?' a nil value
Updated. Enjoy!
Added Graves completely.
DAT TITLE....plz
bring back the option of turning off Lucian's E.
it's good on GapClose, but having it on Combo aswell kinda makes the GapClose useless
and the E is very important just to use like that, especially if you're in a situation like in a (or about to) clash.
and also.. Kalista doesn't use Q. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I dont know but Ezreal is not working.
He always uses Q+W and Spam it on Minions and Enemys without pressing any button.
I will report if i can find more bugs (at my side)
these scripts are absolutely amazing and godlike
is this auto boss no more spacebar combo? or he can actually auto cast all skills?
Last hit mode works exactly the same as Harass mode
Could u change that Last hit , only Last hits minions ?
riven cant q+aa..vayen cant auto E
Fixed, redownloadKalista E BuG ....
When I'm around to be able to kill the enemy with the Kalista and I get an error.
It's just me? Can you help me?
add mixed mod in iWalk.. Ty
pls tristana guy
what do you press to open its menu?
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