Hi Inspired. Thanks so much for the awesome lib and tool. I just wanted to share something and ask a question. Question first: it seems like IAC should be taking into account incoming damage onto minions with the PredictHealth function, but in my testing, it doesn't seem to ever release an auto attack before the minion gets below the HP of "dmg". Can you confirm the logic the lasthitting is using?
Secondly, I like Orianna, but her base AD is terrible. It makes lasthitting with IAC very unreliable. I added a function that calculates her passive damage, so it's a little better when you get some AP and some levels
Please feel free to include it or anything similar in IAC if you wish at any time.
In function IAC:IWalk() gets this on line 119:
local dmg = CalcDamage(myHero, k, GetBonusDmg(myHero)+GetBaseDamage(myHero)) + PassiveDamage()And the function is
function PassiveDamage() if myHeroName == "Orianna" then local mylevel = GetLevel(myHero) local bonusap = GetBonusAP(myHero) if mylevel > 15 then return math.floor( 50 + (bonusap * 0.15) ) elseif mylevel > 12 then return math.floor( 42 + (bonusap * 0.15) ) elseif mylevel > 9 then return math.floor( 34 + (bonusap * 0.15) ) elseif mylevel > 6 then return math.floor( 26 + (bonusap * 0.15) ) elseif mylevel > 3 then return math.floor( 18 + (bonusap * 0.15) ) elseif mylevel > 0 then return math.floor( 10 + (bonusap * 0.15) ) end else return 0 end endThis function can be expanded to include champs like Teeto, Corki, MF whatever, whoever has a passive or active that gives an auto attack modifier.
But the passive do 20% (first consecutive attack) to 40% (second consecutive attack) more dmg on the same target, so it is needed even a buff check