can't understand. obwalker?
Download where,...
orbwalker helps you kiting, farming, but not using skills for you
it's preinstalled, just press shift -> orbwalkers -> select "deftsu's auto carry reborn" -> press F6 twice
Best Answer Aristo , 16 March 2018 - 02:57
Go to the full post »can't understand. obwalker?
Download where,...
orbwalker helps you kiting, farming, but not using skills for you
it's preinstalled, just press shift -> orbwalkers -> select "deftsu's auto carry reborn" -> press F6 twice
The last hitting on Jinx is not really on point. I tried out Sivir and Jinx yesterday and the Sivir last hitting works almost perfect but with Jinx it misses a lot.
Mostly because she hits the minions way too early to get the last hit. On Harass, Lane Clear and Last Hitting mode.
Just saying
The last hitting on Jinx is not really on point. I tried out Sivir and Jinx yesterday and the Sivir last hitting works almost perfect but with Jinx it misses a lot.
Mostly because she hits the minions way too early to get the last hit. On Harass, Lane Clear and Last Hitting mode.
Just saying
hmm will check it out, thanks
hmm will check it out, thanks
Thank you!
Where can I download it?
Where can I download it?
you don't need to download it, just press shift > Orbwalker > Deftsu's Auto Carry : Reborn
What does the windup value do?
v0.13 Update :
-Fixed stutter-steps (prolly happenned only on low/high pings)
-Rewritten basic attack values from scratch
v0.15 Update:
-Fixed an error when fighting against fizz
-Added Kled orbwalking values
-Added Kled W Passive Damage
-Fixed Fiora E Orbwalking
-Fixed Rengar Orbwalking
-Health Prediction Should be way better now (damage calculation from minions to minions are fixed )
-Improved Damage calculation accuracy
-Damage from minions/towers are totally fixed
-Fixed Towers related damage
-Added Braum E into Damage Calculation Reduction
-Added Urgot R into Damage Calculation Reduction
-Added Lord Dominik into Bonus Damage calculation
aa cancel fixed confirmed defsu i luv u
aa cancel fixed confirmed defsu i luv u
will fix it even more in the next update tho
Im confused because this is in utility, is it an auto-bot?
Im confused because this is in utility, is it an auto-bot?
its an orbwalker
How can i put the settings back to default?
Hey dude how to install it please help newbie to here ?
Hey dude how to install it please help newbie to here
press shift => Orbwalker => DAC:R
you don't need to download it.
Thanks for answering! But yea because i newbie on these things okay i did everything you said but when i hold space or c nothing happens i play katarina and katarina do only basic attack no combo like she don't do like q w e r anything only i can freeze last hit and lane clear. I mean that i move and i attack from basic attack no combo tried lux same thing?
Thanks for answering! But yea because i newbie on these things okay i did everything you said but when i hold space or c nothing happens i play katarina and katarina do only basic attack no combo like she don't do like q w e r anything only i can freeze last hit and lane clear. I mean that i move and i attack from basic attack no combo tried lux same thing?
this is what orbwalker is supposed to do.. if you want it to cast spells you need to get a champion script for it
v0.16 Update:
-Fixed Rengar Orbwalking (Bush/Ult Attacks also)
-Fixed Jinx Orbwalking
-Fixed Overall Windup calculations -- Thanks evitaerCi
-Fixed Graves Orbwalking
-Fixed AA Resets for : Vayne Q, Graves E, Lucian E, Rengar Q
-Orbwalker should work fine now even with 0 extra windup delay
-Works Properly On Sudden AS Change (Example pressing KogMaw W)
-Works Properly on High Attack Speed
-Fixed Kalista Orbwalking
-AA resets are totally fixed now
-Optimized Orbwalking at max range
-Fixed Fiora Orbwalk when E is active
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