v0.16 Update:
-Fixed Rengar Orbwalking (Bush/Ult Attacks also)
-Fixed Jinx Orbwalking
-Fixed Overall Windup calculations -- Thanks evitaerCi
-Fixed Graves Orbwalking
-Fixed AA Resets for : Vayne Q, Graves E, Lucian E, Rengar Q
-Orbwalker should work fine now even with 0 extra windup delay
-Works Properly On Sudden AS Change (Example pressing KogMaw W)
-Works Properly on High Attack Speed
-Fixed Kalista Orbwalking
-AA resets are totally fixed now
-Optimized Orbwalking at max range
-Fixed Fiora Orbwalk when E is active
i dont quite understand "extra windup delay", if i play with stable ping: 30ms, what "number" should i change the "extra windup delay" to (like 60 70 80 90 or ...)?