any orbwalker we should use? i use mostly DAC. is that good?
Best Answer Aristo , 06 March 2018 - 11:54
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Go to the full post »any orbwalker we should use? i use mostly DAC. is that good?
it looks kind of strange when i stick on targets while i have boots on o3o
guys how i can use orbwalk? i know when i press space,c,v,x in the must scripts its will start doing something... but do i have to hold space all the time im using combo !!is there anyway that let me enable and disable it with 1 click?
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Request to add Draven to this! We're currently severaly lacking Draven scripts.
Please bro bring back your lee sin
guys how i can use orbwalk? i know when i press space,c,v,x in the must scripts its will start doing something... but do i have to hold space all the time im using combo !!is there anyway that let me enable and disable it with 1 click?
you can make it toggle yourself from your current orbwalker menu. why i get this error , im using ashe why i get this error , im using ashe
can you tell me what champs were against you? as for leblanc it's fixed
ashe only, when i play custom game no error happens, but when i play normal the error applies.. only when i press spacebar (combo)
ashe only, when i play custom game no error happens, but when i play normal the error applies.. only when i press spacebar (combo)
"champs were against you"
i didn't ask for your champ, i asked the champ against you, a hint is that he uses a gapcloser spell
"champs were against you"
i didn't ask for your champ, i asked the champ against you, a hint is that he uses a gapcloser spell
Sorry. lucian, trundle, blitzcrank, jhin.. every game i have this error on ashe, i even try turning off my anti-gap closer
I get the same error using Ahri !
look guys... i told you it's not ahri or ashe error, it's just anti-gapcloser one, i'm asking you which enemies are you against that has gapcloser spells but no one is giving me the right feedback.. i fixed it when an enemy Leblanc already..
give the 5 enemies not one.. also the picture is not working..
its the same error like from the other guys.
Fizz, Alistar, Vayne, Kalista, Xin
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