attempt to index filed menu a nil value.
you should get a Challenger Common update..
Best Answer Aristo , 06 March 2018 - 11:54
/Closed last update 1year+
/Moved to archive
Go to the full post »attempt to index filed menu a nil value.
you should get a Challenger Common update..
from where?
challengercommon.lua:128: attempt to index field ? a nil value
tested with ashe
it gives that error for me when i play ahri and enemy team have zed,diana,corki,karma,Kha'zix
Same error as any one else, with ashe. Doesnt do w because of it
i'll chevk whenever i can...
Thank you
challengercommon:348: attempt to index field 'menu' (a nil value) - ashe
pretty sure I were using latest version
v0.04 Update:
-Added a sick activator (you should try it )
v0.04 Update:
-Added a sick activator (you should try it )
Ohhhhhhkayyy i will try it.
nice script
v0.05 Update:
-Fixed Aatrox W Logic
-Fixed a bug with smite not casting anymore if you reload with x2 F6
-Added a sick awareness
Awareness Features
Can you add this to Challenger Awareness too?
can i ask why you add those features when you already have an awareness script? (really appreciate these nice features tho)
can i ask why you add those features when you already have an awareness script? (really appreciate these nice features tho)
just wanted to
do the activator and awareness features enable for all other champs or just aatrox ... azir?
do the activator and awareness features enable for all other champs or just aatrox ... azir?
what is this
It makes me unable to move
what is this
It makes me unable to move
face this too
v0.06 Update:
-Fixed ChallengerCommon error
-Added Recall Tracker + Baseult Helper into Awareness
-Added Ward/Trap Tracker into awareness
-Added Poro Throw icon
-Fixed Jhin Cooldown Tracker offsets
-Fixed a bug with summoner spells icons when getting casted without reloading atleast once
-Fixed Jungle Tracker (still won't work until a new GoS update)
-Updated Cooldown trackers (now it shows also the cast level)
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