Can you help me?
Can you help me?
K im checking it one last thing what level?
Ekko Feedback
Q: good 10/10
W: alright prediction 9/10
E: GREAT 1 shot 10/10
R: kinda mess up when chronobreak ghost won't near enemies that enemies have low hp 20% > auto R escape facepalm.
Ekko Feedback
Q: good 10/10
W: alright prediction 9/10
E: GREAT 1 shot 10/10
R: kinda mess up when chronobreak ghost won't near enemies that enemies have low hp 20% > auto R escape facepalm.
Yea im trying my best with Ekkos R might have to add position of ghost to finish it off.
Nidalee does not gice me this Circle class error not sure why you have it. Might have to update your libs.
Thumbs Up Cloud, realy like your scripts.
Like this one:
PrintChat(string.format("<font color='#1244EA'>[Cloud]</font> <font color='#FFFFFF'>Skript Loaded</font>"))+
So you know your Script is running even if u dont Check Menu.
I did buy 2 Champs only for trying out your Stuff, Well done!
Thumbs Up Cloud, realy like your scripts.
Like this one:
PrintChat(string.format("<font color='#1244EA'>[Cloud]</font> <font color='#FFFFFF'>Skript Loaded</font>"))+
So you know your Script is running even if u dont Check Menu.
I did buy 2 Champs only for trying out your Stuff, Well done!
Maybe. But thanks!
Nidalee does not gice me this Circle class error not sure why you have it. Might have to update your libs.
He have this error becouse he use Dlib and IAC is not working with this
Would there be the possibilty to add yasuo auto w?
Would there be the possibilty to add yasuo auto w?
Maybe. But currently im reworking the whole AIO to meet the expectations of some users.
Sona still using ult even if R disabled
k6 It uses ult all the time, whenever it leaves the cooldown, even disabled
k6 It uses ult all the time, whenever it leaves the cooldown, even disabled
is yasou auto skills without using spacebar?
hey your gnar always use ULT pls when spacebar only ty.
Pls change gnars ult. It will just spam r whenever enemy is in range. Pls make it so that whenever you are near a wall it will ult it towards the wall for the stun.
Could you also make a script for tf for auto gold,red, or blue card?
Then how about a script for Wukong ?
Pls fix there seems to be a bug in alistar. I dont know if it is because of inspired.lua or cloudaio.lua but his e. there seems to be some error in it
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