hey, can you please make an option to only E in lane clear if 2+ minions going to die ? spending way too much mana.
Yes i will release that maybe tonight (for me)
hey, can you please make an option to only E in lane clear if 2+ minions going to die ? spending way too much mana.
Yes i will release that maybe tonight (for me)
Yes i will release that maybe tonight (for me)
I like the Kalista, the issue with the logic that causes it to use lots of mana is that it uses E all the time. The ideal way to do the E-laneclear is to only use E if the creep would die before an auto attack could kill it, so say, what's the soonest Kalista would be able to attack the creep, and how long would it take for the projectile to get there, and then calculate how long it'll take the minion to die based on the damage it's taking from other minions, and if that time is less than the time to auto attack, and it has a stack, then we can use E so that we don't miss the CS.
I think the better option than restricting it to only kill 2 minions, is to just add a slider to set the minimum amount of mana before it'll stop using E in Laneclear. I can see the argument for 2 minions, though, since each minion refunds 20 mana, and the spell costs 40, killing two refunds the mana spent on killing them.
I would also love to see the option to harass with E, for example, if the enemy champ has a Rend stack, and a minion has a stack and will die to E and reset the E, have some logic that'll cast E to get the free damage and the slow onto the enemy.
In 4.5 I was finding that Kalista's Q was missing, and shooting behind the enemy champ in most cases like it wasn't leading them far enough. I'll give the 4.7 a test tonight hopefully.
Cloud fix viktor ulti pls It doesn't ulti >_>
cloud pls also fix ziggs ulti.
it pops out the global stuff in lua and we cant swtich the auto ulti off in menu
dude the Syndra Fixed r just awsome. 2 problems still left: syndra still using way more W then Q. Q is more important then W and harrass with Q only still dont work :S
Keep it up
dude the Syndra Fixed r just awsome. 2 problems still left: syndra still using way more W then Q. Q is more important then W and harrass with Q only still dont work :S
Keep it up
Ill check it out
cloud pls also fix ziggs ulti.
it pops out the global stuff in lua and we cant swtich the auto ulti off in menu
Ill check it out right now.
Cloud fix viktor ulti pls
It doesn't ulti >_>
Kk checking it out
I like the Kalista, the issue with the logic that causes it to use lots of mana is that it uses E all the time. The ideal way to do the E-laneclear is to only use E if the creep would die before an auto attack could kill it, so say, what's the soonest Kalista would be able to attack the creep, and how long would it take for the projectile to get there, and then calculate how long it'll take the minion to die based on the damage it's taking from other minions, and if that time is less than the time to auto attack, and it has a stack, then we can use E so that we don't miss the CS.
I think the better option than restricting it to only kill 2 minions, is to just add a slider to set the minimum amount of mana before it'll stop using E in Laneclear. I can see the argument for 2 minions, though, since each minion refunds 20 mana, and the spell costs 40, killing two refunds the mana spent on killing them.
I would also love to see the option to harass with E, for example, if the enemy champ has a Rend stack, and a minion has a stack and will die to E and reset the E, have some logic that'll cast E to get the free damage and the slow onto the enemy.
In 4.5 I was finding that Kalista's Q was missing, and shooting behind the enemy champ in most cases like it wasn't leading them far enough. I'll give the 4.7 a test tonight hopefully.
I dont know if we have the functions in inspired to check for 2 minions the have kalista buff. But for now i will add E mana manager at 35%
I like the Kalista, the issue with the logic that causes it to use lots of mana is that it uses E all the time. The ideal way to do the E-laneclear is to only use E if the creep would die before an auto attack could kill it, so say, what's the soonest Kalista would be able to attack the creep, and how long would it take for the projectile to get there, and then calculate how long it'll take the minion to die based on the damage it's taking from other minions, and if that time is less than the time to auto attack, and it has a stack, then we can use E so that we don't miss the CS.
I think the better option than restricting it to only kill 2 minions, is to just add a slider to set the minimum amount of mana before it'll stop using E in Laneclear. I can see the argument for 2 minions, though, since each minion refunds 20 mana, and the spell costs 40, killing two refunds the mana spent on killing them.
I would also love to see the option to harass with E, for example, if the enemy champ has a Rend stack, and a minion has a stack and will die to E and reset the E, have some logic that'll cast E to get the free damage and the slow onto the enemy.
In 4.5 I was finding that Kalista's Q was missing, and shooting behind the enemy champ in most cases like it wasn't leading them far enough. I'll give the 4.7 a test tonight hopefully.
Cloud fix viktor ulti pls
It doesn't ulti >_>
cloud pls also fix ziggs ulti.
it pops out the global stuff in lua and we cant swtich the auto ulti off in menu
dude the Syndra Fixed r just awsome. 2 problems still left: syndra still using way more W then Q. Q is more important then W and harrass with Q only still dont work :S
Keep it up
All of these are now fixed and are being uploaded in 5 minutes
Kalista wont work for me with the last patch (e wont press itself for champions or monster execute)
Kalista wont work for me with the last patch (e wont press itself for champions or monster execute)
if you are under 35% mana it wont rend
if you are under 35% mana it wont rend
I was at full mana. Can you add an option to disable the 35 mana thing?
I was at full mana. Can you add an option to disable the 35 mana thing?
thanks for the work mate
but one thing i would like to know is whether or not if i enable ur script. the other scripts from inspired will be disabled?
cause i was not able to use the other's when i use yours lol
thanks for the work mate
but one thing i would like to know is whether or not if i enable ur script. the other scripts from inspired will be disabled?
cause i was not able to use the other's when i use yours lol
Inspireds scripts will be disabled.
Updated! Enjoy Varus!
Thanks kapp . Hopefully inspired will fix the walking to traps. The viktor attracted to its WAll of these are now fixed and are being uploaded in 5 minutes
Varus is a bit glitchy but im trying my best to fix him.
Did you use the download and follow my tutorial?: Yep! (Am using --Version 4.9 Varus added and Syndra QWW Wave clear.)
Did or are you using twgank with it?(wont work): I have no idea what this is... So no?
Screenshot(if possible):http://s15.postimg.o...n9b3v/sdsdd.jpg
Bug(short description): When playing as Leona I would get that error out of random and then my lol would crash and I would need to restart and rejoin which is a pain,
Again it's random it could happen when am walking or in a fight.
I have not had this issue with any other champions (So far)
Viktor after Q-ing or something it is sometimes unable to attack. Like Q-The next basic attack it shoots then cancel causing a loud disturbance. People will suspect scripting.
Nope. It still wont cast any spells or do the wall jump. I can see the menu ingame though.
+10 for you Cloud .
Btw .. can you make perfect timing SS for tryndamere?
God bless.
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