In 4.9, Kalista E- kill steal is not working properly. Most of the time it simply doesn't cast E, but I've had a few occasions where it's cast E automatically, but way way too late, as in I'm attacking enemy with like 8 stacks and 50 HP and it finally decides to use E, when enemy could have been killed long before.
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CloudAIO v16[IAC] v5.4 *FINAL* I Will no longer...
Posted 18 August 2015 - 08:38

Posted 18 August 2015 - 10:30

Irelia wont cast any spells too
Posted 18 August 2015 - 10:52

Why you added W prediction for Varus? W is a passive
Posted 18 August 2015 - 02:18

In 4.9, Kalista E- kill steal is not working properly. Most of the time it simply doesn't cast E, but I've had a few occasions where it's cast E automatically, but way way too late, as in I'm attacking enemy with like 8 stacks and 50 HP and it finally decides to use E, when enemy could have been killed long before.
Ill check it out
Irelia wont cast any spells too
Are you sure?
Why you added W prediction for Varus? W is a passive
Posted 18 August 2015 - 02:47

Did you use the download and follow my tutorial?: Yep! (Am using --Version 4.9 Varus added and Syndra QWW Wave clear.)
Did or are you using twgank with it?(wont work): I have no idea what this is... So no?
Screenshot(if possible):http://s15.postimg.o...n9b3v/sdsdd.jpg
Bug(short description): When playing as Leona I would get that error out of random and then my lol would crash and I would need to restart and rejoin which is a pain,
Again it's random it could happen when am walking or in a fight.
I have not had this issue with any other champions (So far)
Thanks ill check it out!
Viktor after Q-ing or something it is sometimes unable to attack. Like Q-The next basic attack it shoots then cancel causing a loud disturbance. People will suspect scripting.
K ill check it out.
Nope. It still wont cast any spells or do the wall jump. I can see the menu ingame though.
Weird ill upload a new version and see what happens
+10 for you Cloud .
Btw .. can you make perfect timing SS for tryndamere?
God bless.
Posted 18 August 2015 - 06:05

Rework Leona
add item cast on ally if below 50% hp item name Face on Mountain.
random pop up error when i go B.
Posted 18 August 2015 - 08:26

Rework Leona
add item cast on ally if below 50% hp item name Face on Mountain.
random pop up error when i go B.
Im working on Leona as we speak
Posted 19 August 2015 - 01:49

Rework Leona
add item cast on ally if below 50% hp item name Face on Mountain.
random pop up error when i go B.
Fixed this error.
Posted 19 August 2015 - 02:09

Champion: Xerath
Did you use the download and follow my tutorial?: Yes
Did or are you using twgank with it?(wont work) No
Screenshot(if possible): http://s11.postimg.o...18dab/sdsdd.jpg
Bug(short description): At the start of the game Lol would crash and I would get that error. Once I click on "OK" the error goes and never comes back.. This error happens at the start of the game but never again.
Not really a big issue but still a bug
Posted 19 August 2015 - 02:19

Champion: Xerath
Did you use the download and follow my tutorial?: Yes
Did or are you using twgank with it?(wont work) No
Screenshot(if possible): http://s11.postimg.o...18dab/sdsdd.jpg
Bug(short description): At the start of the game Lol would crash and I would get that error. Once I click on "OK" the error goes and never comes back.. This error happens at the start of the game but never again.
Not really a big issue but still a bug
Sadly i dont have Xerath in my AIO i believe this is Inspireds Xerath.
Posted 19 August 2015 - 03:05

feedback Vladimir
laneclear not working QWE cast on minoin nothing happen still aa.
add if ult is killable separate combo QWER if need on/off R combo
Posted 19 August 2015 - 03:38

Cloud can you start using classes with a loader?
Posted 19 August 2015 - 04:10

feedback Vladimir
laneclear not working QWE cast on minoin nothing happen still aa.add if ult is killable separate combo QWER if need on/off R combo
Cloud can you start using classes with a loader?
Yes to both.
Posted 19 August 2015 - 04:38

feedback Varus
- combo Q/charger max range if detect enemies champion > auto crash
Posted 19 August 2015 - 05:04

feedback Varus
- combo Q/charger max range if detect enemies champion > auto crash
For now Q is disabled. SO no more this error.
Posted 19 August 2015 - 05:15

remake script
-Evelynn jungle+minon V laneclear for Q spam
-Vi laneclear for E
Posted 19 August 2015 - 05:20

remake script
-Evelynn jungle+minon V laneclear for Q spam
-Vi laneclear for E
will do
Posted 19 August 2015 - 08:53

Nice work, now kalista works pretty nice. I discovered a problem: if you have warding assistant, then the cloudAIO wont work.
Posted 19 August 2015 - 09:04

How is supposed the kalista jungle execute to work?
Posted 19 August 2015 - 09:12

Suggestion: Can u add an option to kalista so it wont use q if you wont have enough mana for e?
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