@MeoBeo can you please make your orbwalker open source, so people can learn from it?
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@MeoBeo can you please make your orbwalker open source, so people can learn from it?
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I can agree that ext orbwalk should be completely opensource, so that improvements and adjustments can be made by the users. I like to tweak things to my playstyle
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where download?
where download?
This one comes default, no need to download.
If you talking about MeoBeo, afaik it was completely open source, but now again encryption.
any improvements since few weeks ago?
any improvements since few weeks ago?
There are improvements in the works behind the scenes, I personally done some improvements myself and made a custom orbwalk from this.
original orbwalker is the same for me .. it lasthits and minions survive with ~5hp
original orbwalker is the same for me .. it lasthits and minions survive with ~5hp
that is why there is a complete rework project ongoing for the core orbwalk. It will be MUCH better, I already know. Did some bug testing
How is this going? Because it's April and this thread seems to have died. I'm writing my own in the meanwhile, but I barely have time to anything lately.
This thread either needs the new orbwalk api or to be closed/unpinned?
I'll close and unpin this topic and post Noddy's orb source instead.
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