completely deleted appdatagos
installed only this script .. still not working
completely deleted appdatagos
installed only this script .. still not working
completely deleted appdatagos
installed only this script .. still not working
If Evade menu or orbwalk menu dont show up for you guys Please download Common folder (http://www116.zippys...zqow2/file.html) and extact here "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\GamingOnSteroids\LOLEXT\Scripts\Common"
Thank you Challenger btw <3
why do we need this dll ?
why do we need this dll ?
The first time I loaded this, it didnt appear in menu, and like the others, it had blue writing on the left saying loading. Then I simple F6 (waited 5 seconds) F6 again. Boom, I had evade menu.
If Evade menu or orbwalk menu dont show up for you guys Please download Common folder (http://www116.zippys...zqow2/file.html) and extact here "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\GamingOnSteroids\LOLEXT\Scripts\Common"
Thank you Challenger btw <3
That did get it to work, thanks, although I have a noticeable fps drop.
EDIT: Never mind, the fps drop was from another script.
and so, now we can use the evade + another champ script ? (some weeks ago, extlib blocked every champ script...)
Working but still kinda meh, not dodging some spells while sometimes he'll dodge it so that seems kinda random. But globally really cool
EDIT : Excellent, just didn't set the "Dodge everything is my hp is inferior to...
Working but still kinda meh, not dodging some spells while sometimes he'll dodge it so that seems kinda random. But globally really cool
EDIT : Excellent, just didn't set the "Dodge everything is my hp is inferior to...
not like a beast, still a bit random but a really good assistant
And now it's dodging like a beast or? Is it humanised? Not around to test it atm..
It dodges alright, I wouldn't really rely on it for anything but it's better than nothing.
the evade script doesnt appear in the Interface. F6 waiting and F6 again didnt help, neither replacing the folder.
the evade script doesnt appear in the Interface. F6 waiting and F6 again didnt help, neither replacing the folder.
See the quote below by Aristo or scroll up, hope this helps ^^
If Evade menu or orbwalk menu dont show up for you guys Please download Common folder (http://www116.zippys...zqow2/file.html) and extact here "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\GamingOnSteroids\LOLEXT\Scripts\Common"
Thank you Challenger btw <3
See the quote below by Aristo or scroll up, hope this helps ^^
well i said replacing the folder didnt work either ^^
well i said replacing the folder didnt work either ^^
Go to %appdata% delete the GOS folder, Uninstall GOS completely. Reinstall, close and reinstall the folder. Install the evade script then see, if it's still not working then either you didn't follow the steps properly or something is wrong on your end unfortunately.
Doesn't dodge Lee Sin Q, could you improve extra distance in dodge or let users choose it?
So I've been playing with this a while and I've noticed it's really problematic when this script is evading while you're trying to cast a spell since it pulls the mouse away and your spell ends up going in entirely the wrong direction and you look like an idiot. Would it be possible to implement a system where it either A. blocks spellcasts while evading, or B. blocks evasion while spellcasting?
So I've been playing with this a while and I've noticed it's really problematic when this script is evading while you're trying to cast a spell since it pulls the mouse away and your spell ends up going in entirely the wrong direction and you look like an idiot. Would it be possible to implement a system where it either A. blocks spellcasts while evading, or B. blocks evasion while spellcasting?
Also, in teamfights, sometimes just stop walking/attacking
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