Does it show message "External Lib v0.42 Loading"?
wait for new orb
Yes but there is no loaded message. Only saying loading. We can use other menu like evade on/off, orbwalk on/off. Just on or off doesnt matter. It s permenant off
Does it show message "External Lib v0.42 Loading"?
wait for new orb
what problem with current evade?
not show menu?
Basically it loads fine but evade is turned off by default when i tick it on nothing happens
I can't get the evade to work reliably no matter what I do. :s
Can confirm evade doesn't work, even enabling evade on and off and on doesn't work.
Basically it loads fine but evade is turned off by default when i tick it on nothing happens
I can't get the evade to work reliably no matter what I do. :s
Re-install scripts
it wont evade even morganas Q, tries to evade but still getting hitted
because of slow detection method. Im gonna update it with new api, It will be faster than current method at least 0.25s.
Re-install scripts
I did. Nothing happened. Still bugged cant open Evade menu
If Evade menu or orbwalk menu dont show up for you guys Please download Common folder (http://www116.zippys...zqow2/file.html) and extact here "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\GamingOnSteroids\LOLEXT\Scripts\Common"
Thank you Challenger btw <3
If Evade menu or orbwalk menu dont show up for you guys Please download Common folder (http://www116.zippys...zqow2/file.html) and extact here "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\GamingOnSteroids\LOLEXT\Scripts\Common"
Thank you Challenger btw <3
Fix ty
Is anybody able to get this to work? I can't.
I have uninstalled/reinstalled scripts. I enable evade, and... nothing.
Updated v50
Evade now using latest Ext API (Please report any spells not detected)
Fixed some bugs
Finally it happens!
evade menu wont show up now, before latest update was all fine
edit: got it working working now, great update
Updated v50
Evade now using latest Ext API (Please report any spells not detected)
Fixed some bugs
Nice update ty!
Even when i put common into folder before it showed the menu now it doesn't. :[
Even when i put common into folder before it showed the menu now it doesn't. :[
check in general settings if u have evade loaded, i had same problem. And if its loaded then go f6 til evade loads
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