I tried to use it for the first time, and I can't seem to workout how the ult settings work. I did change the combo key and disabled the other orbwalker. I use gamsteron orbwalk.
It only works for me if I press T
I tried to use it for the first time, and I can't seem to workout how the ult settings work. I did change the combo key and disabled the other orbwalker. I use gamsteron orbwalk.
It only works for me if I press T
update script please, something has to do with encryption for our own safety
i feel like a machine playing with this lol
KEEP it up !
Would like to find the balance between human-likeliness and efficiency, based on the values of Delay between R shots and Delay between target switch (from both the R setting and the combo itself). Any suggestions? 100ms for target switch appears to be very obvious. x)
Would like to find the balance between human-likeliness and efficiency, based on the values of Delay between R shots and Delay between target switch (from both the R setting and the combo itself). Any suggestions? 100ms for target switch appears to be very obvious. x)
if you use the settings "cast R manually" combined with a hotkey to target closest to cursor like "T" its really easy to control who your ult targets and it comes off pretty legit.
To be clear for those who wonder if I even read your posts.
Yes read all posts and appreciate every constructive feedback but I ignore all bug reports since I didnt change anything in this script for 2 years and some people come and say it works great some say it doesnt work, the only thing that can break the script is if the GoS API is broken or Rito changes something about the champion and if that happens everyone would panic post that it doesnt work. When this happens I will look into.
If I find some motivation I will try to improve E usage.
Noddy, would you be willing support Hpred in this script if it will maybe help with some things like for example E usage. i get issues with E being cast on and missing things like yi's alpha strike or kha'zix leap. itd also be pretty useful to have things like W>E>Q or E/W/Q combo's pre-cast for things like zhonya's and guardian angel within E range
if you use the settings "cast R manually" combined with a hotkey to target closest to cursor like "T" its really easy to control who your ult targets and it comes off pretty legit.
Yup! I do it ^^
What about the delay between target switch in combo? I think they realize I'm scripting when I Q an enemy and W another one xD
Yup! I do it ^^
What about the delay between target switch in combo? I think they realize I'm scripting when I Q an enemy and W another one xD
Me personally i have harass set to q only and i harass unless i want to all in someone , or someone is diving me. Dont really hold sbtw unless i'm solo in lane or i need my e / w for peel . and usually then i still w manually. It's not a hard skillshot to land. the script can handle qer tho .
Yup! I do it ^^
What about the delay between target switch in combo? I think they realize I'm scripting when I Q an enemy and W another one xD
There is a option for that aswell.
1. Is for R only
2. Is for W,E
There is a option for that aswell.
1. Is for R only
2. Is for W,E
500+ ms should look fine for spell target switch
for R maybe 1000, but for I you need some kind of extra delay which is based on the distance between the old target and the new one
if you want to look legit
Yup! I know. I was asking for a recommended value to look legit But I've seen you have replied in the next message. Thank you very much!There is a option for that aswell.
1. Is for R only
2. Is for W,E
Is there any chance RIot can ban manually using this script?
Is there any chance RIot can ban manually using this script?
no just spamm it !
Is there any chance RIot can ban manually using this script?
There is always a chance, but it's low.
Like if you are scripting in stream or against a famous streamer. It's the only manual ban for scripting I saw.
Is there any chance RIot can ban manually using this script?
If you are in game with a RIOT employee also a chance
Is there any chance RIot can ban manually using this script?
Well in higher ELO, like diamond +, it's pretty easy for your accounts to get manual ban. Other than that, it's really low
Perfect WORK
I'd say that the more they rely on their detection methods, the less they are likely to do manual bans. Has anyone got banned by using external in high elo during a non-detection period? I'd like to know if there are any reported bans (I'm OTPing Xerath XD)Well in higher ELO, like diamond +, it's pretty easy for your accounts to get manual ban. Other than that, it's really low
I'd say that the more they rely on their detection methods, the less they are likely to do manual bans. Has anyone got banned by using external in high elo during a non-detection period? I'd like to know if there are any reported bans (I'm OTPing Xerath XD)
I started Xerath yesterday at plat 2 elo i'll tell you if i will be ban, i didn't be reported cause sometimes i missed some spell cause i prefer to be legit against them ^^
This Xerath is very strong ATM.
Dont forget! For you're ult, use "T"
And disable you'r Orbwalker and it's free win, i lost vs an ezreal script 20/2 x)
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