Script works fine holding down space bar for the combo and stuff, but Is it a visual bug or something? I don't see the settings or anything I cant the menu bar or anything?
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Posted 15 March 2018 - 10:33
Posted 15 March 2018 - 02:32
Script works fine holding down space bar for the combo and stuff, but Is it a visual bug or something? I don't see the settings or anything I cant the menu bar or anything?
Just try closing your 32bit process and restarting GoS.... Happens sometimes. Yesterday I was using a few scripts all day and than of course a ranked game I get in and there's no menu etc.... everything worked fine so I didn't need to restart but anytime this happens I generally 2x F6 to see if it works, than I'll just re inject GoS and it generally works
Posted 16 March 2018 - 02:43
Do you kknow why I sometimes cancel ult without firing anything? Im using R on manual too btw
Posted 16 March 2018 - 11:35
Do you kknow why I sometimes cancel ult without firing anything? Im using R on manual too btw
i got same problem but i think found salution just when he cast ult stop hold space bar hold for 1 sec and then use it again and i think for me that was the problem
Posted 16 March 2018 - 06:54
Do you kknow why I sometimes cancel ult without firing anything? Im using R on manual too btw
You need to turn off combo button in your orbwalker.
i got same problem but i think found salution just when he cast ult stop hold space bar hold for 1 sec and then use it again and i think for me that was the problem
You need to turn off combo button in your orbwalker.
Posted 18 March 2018 - 08:46
You need to turn off combo button in your orbwalker.
You need to turn off combo button in your orbwalker.
Or they need to turn off manual R and press only space bar when they use R (they need to start R manualy on pressing on R and finaly use space bar, only start R when u want to use it)
PS : turn off manual R will just using auto R when ennemy is low hp and u don't have vision on him (when u press space bar)
Posted 18 March 2018 - 06:47
98% q hitrate.
*E hitrate is really really bad unfortunately...
Posted 18 March 2018 - 07:45
Posted 19 March 2018 - 02:02
E logic is absolute dog**** never hits also r hit rate is a little off.
Posted 19 March 2018 - 04:45
E logic is absolute dog**** never hits also r hit rate is a little off.
e has worked fine for me most of the time, r will miss sometimes but does pretty well. No skillshot is 100% accurate
Posted 19 March 2018 - 05:09
This script is awesome for me. Do you use E as the gapcloser?
Does it miss on engages or disengages?
I legit played probably 100 games with this as mid / support over the last week and have close to zero issues with any skills... Only issue I have is with ULTIMATE, sometimes I will manually press R and than it instantly ends ult. Sometimes I press R and than hold spacebar and it will combo whoever the priority target would be at the time being.
I think it is my own issue that I need to trial and error to get down.
But this script is boss, hands down. Maybe you have bad ping
Posted 19 March 2018 - 05:26
e has worked fine for me most of the time, r will miss sometimes but does pretty well. No skillshot is 100% accurate
I will be standing literally right beside a champ and E will miss yes it does hit a good amount of the time but sometimes it misses point blank e's. Also, are there any good cass scripts on ext?
Posted 19 March 2018 - 05:27
This script is awesome for me. Do you use E as the gapcloser?
Does it miss on engages or disengages?
I legit played probably 100 games with this as mid / support over the last week and have close to zero issues with any skills... Only issue I have is with ULTIMATE, sometimes I will manually press R and than it instantly ends ult. Sometimes I press R and than hold spacebar and it will combo whoever the priority target would be at the time being.
I think it is my own issue that I need to trial and error to get down.
But this script is boss, hands down. Maybe you have bad ping
I do have e set on gapcloser should that be turned off?
Posted 19 March 2018 - 05:33
I will be standing literally right beside a champ and E will miss yes it does hit a good amount of the time but sometimes it misses point blank e's. Also, are there any good cass scripts on ext?
ok yes I can agree that it misses e if the champ is right on top of me, but that isnt what you said, I have it set as gap close stun
Posted 19 March 2018 - 07:25
That scenario is a bit different.
In my opinion, I believe the anti-gap close E does work well, but doesn't work that well with super close range gaps like you are saying point blank. For example. if a J4 comes to EQ you, the E will generally hit fine during his combo on engage, stopping him from getting to point blank range, BUT, if for some reason E is on cooldown, and he does make it into point blank range, when the cooldown becomes available and he's standing on top of you, it may miss.
Something I have learned to do to counter this is just don't hold spacebar if you are 100% point blank with E available - as it may use it incorrectly and miss... Also - stun works longer from farther away anyway, so try and back off a bit using W for slow or something than allow the E to go off.
Obviously it will always use it if available on gap closer, but you can try and manage it by turning it off and than moving a bit before holding combo.
I think point blank stuns suck anyway, so maybe there should be an option to "Only use E if not within X range of champion" to ensure a lengthy stun that hits the intended target, rather than wasting your stun or possibly missing.
Either way I love the script
Posted 20 March 2018 - 01:44
Well, I have an problem. I need to restart the script like every few mins ingame with f6 because he dont gives a **** about combo. He just autoattack the enemy.
I have read something about the Combo & Orbwalker. But what should I configure there exactly?
Posted 20 March 2018 - 02:42
Well, I have an problem. I need to restart the script like every few mins ingame with f6 because he dont gives a **** about combo. He just autoattack the enemy.
I have read something about the Combo & Orbwalker. But what should I configure there exactly?
You need turn it off in the orbwalker, but it should use spells anyway
Posted 24 March 2018 - 02:27
Script released Feb 2017, and few updates since. And 0 updates in long time. Still one best EXT scripts
The only thing I would add is the custom combo, put in it no orbwalk when chat open
Posted 24 March 2018 - 08:58
Script released Feb 2017, and few updates since. And 0 updates in long time. Still one best EXT scripts
The only thing I would add is the custom combo, put in it no orbwalk when chat open
Indeed one of the best EXT scripts out here! Took me some time to learn how to use it properly but now you carry almost every single game
Posted 25 March 2018 - 07:13
Can anyone tell me if i need requirements for this script? like any other orbwalker? any specific script is required to use this script?
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