Other scripts work well (TRUST marksman). I use IC orbwalker.
Delete lazy xerath and re-download it.
Other scripts work well (TRUST marksman). I use IC orbwalker.
Delete lazy xerath and re-download it.
Hi can someone update the script ? They buffed xerath range on ult. Please
is this updated? because Q never charge and trow random.
is this updated? because Q never charge and trow random.
This: https://raw.githubus.../LazyXerath.lua
is this updated? because Q never charge and trow random.
It works fine for me as usual.
is this updated? because Q never charge and trow random.
Also, it sometimes stops working until you F6 x2 again. It's been happening to me very often (I still haven't figured out what causes it, but it's always after performing combo), even after resetting the appdata files.
Misses more spells than it hits? Pretty disapointing script for all its hype.
dude i hav the same script and working well, search for EXTIN1 for helpMisses more spells than it hits? Pretty disapointing script for all its hype.
dude i hav the same script and working well, search for EXTIN1 for help
Okay ill try
The script only works properly for me when I use built-in combo. Harass mode very often misses spells. Also, how does this script interact with the target selector? Im using gamsteron orbwalker and have made sure to change the combo key to something different, but still target selection seems to be very bad. It especially does not take into account 'attack selected target only'.
Not working for me... When holding space, combo not firing off, only E...
Made it work, but would appreciate a laneclear with spells (Q & W) in future update !
pls update
Misses more spells than it hits? Pretty disapointing script for all its hype.
this ^
it only hits spells when targets dont move and/or dont know how to dodge. In all the other cases, this script will miss spells that even I could hit without any script
this ^
it only hits spells when targets dont move and/or dont know how to dodge. In all the other cases, this script will miss spells that even I could hit without any script
Did you do this?
"Lazy Xerath have an inbuilt orbwalker
You should change orbwalker combo hotkey to a unused key."
I can't get the waveclear or the last hit to work. Combo and harass work fine. What am I doing wrong?
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