Caitlyn Season 6 Update
Caitlyn Season 6 Update
Where i download scripts for all your ADC's? O.o i see download just
Ashe, Corki, Ezreal, Graves, Kalista, Lucian, Tristana, Twitch
nothing more
Where i download scripts for all your ADC's? O.o i see download just
Ashe, Corki, Ezreal, Graves, Kalista, Lucian, Tristana, Twitch
nothing more
on the btm of the post
Please create script for Draven :3
nice Scripts!
Can you let me link with all scripts and Inspired? I'm new and I don't know how to do this. Please
Caitlyn incoming? Pls =D I need Caitlyn, and your a good script dev!
- Custom damage drawings
Lucian Rework
Whats new ?
- Better Spellweaving
- Q though minions
- Better R-Logic
- R-Locking on target (beta)- Custom damage drawings
hyping me to release my OPIEOP lucian ??
few suggestion for Caitlyn
passive can u force to AA wend they get hit whit the net or trap whit the traps if u can u let know the person( inspire) the do the orb-walker to AA after trap or net
Q I think u can give it some love to the aim but is pretty good at the moment
W no just use trap wend they are immobilize use it in any CC stun tout charm slow fear (not silence) traps is something u can use a lot now so even if u miss ill be in a position the ill help u. also now u can use up to 5 trap really fast u can programing a key to make a wall in the lane or mark a some areas whit circle like a entrance to the jungle (the use 3 trap to close) and wen I put a trap in the circle automatically put the other 2 to close the path get creative whit W and do some awesome scrip
E the anti-gap close need some love or be re-ride example if master Yi Q to u she e right the way instead waiting to be close so u miss the net and he still on top of you. The best way I see to make the anti-gap closer is re-ride it like this :
find out whit of the melee champions have the biggest AA range and wend any champ get in dat range E them, dat all I think dat ill be a simple logic the ill apply to any gap closer
I hope I can help u and sry in advance for my bad English in my second language
hyping me to release my OPIEOP lucian ??
ontopic : time to shoot the 3 pointers like kobe
whereis caytlin D:
Sivir still down?
MF Hype
brother i am having a problem with Lucian, he`s shaking to the left and right when i press space bar to kill enemys and then i could let ppl think that i`m using a script and my char don`t do nothing just turning around. It happens also when are lots of champs like in tf idk to know how do i fix it. and btw what is IOW/IAC?
how do i do this ? could u show me a ss?
Noddy's ADC script just require "inspired" but not any IOW/IAC
so just turn on the GOS inbuild orbwalker in F7 and everything will be alright
i like to play with Lucian very much the only problema is this one shaking and doing nothing when in this shake mode
Lucian Rework
Whats new ?
- Better Spellweaving
- Q though minions
- Better R-Logic
- R-Locking on target (beta)- Custom damage drawings
where do i download this one sir ? and about the shaking problem, i can see here that u don`t get this problema how do u do to fix it ?
bro just ignore this post of mine i think i fixed the the shak prob, u`re are ****ing amazing with ur scripts ^^
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